Report bugs and suggest features
If you think you've found a bug to report in Harlowe, want to make a feature suggestion, or wish to see what future features are already planned, simply visit the project's issues page.
I'd appreciate it if you could adhere to the following guidelines when reporting bugs or proposals:
- Please try to check that the bug has not been reported before, using the issue search feature.
- Please do not report more than one bug per issue - make as many issues as you need.
- Please be as detailed as possible in the issue title.
- But, at the same time, avoid overly general anecdotes or descriptions of your work process leading to the bug (like "I'm trying to write an inventory system") - try to focus on what you expected the code to do, and what you got instead.
- You should report all cases where a new version of Harlowe caused your formerly-working story to suddenly not work, as long as a possible reason was not mentioned anywhere in the changelog.
- Do include code samples, but please write them inside code blocks (using the Code
button in the toolbar). - Don't change the "Assignee", "Milestone" or "Due Date".
- If your issue is a bug, please set the "Label" to "Bug".
- You may suggest feature requests, but please set the issue's "Label" to "Proposal".
File reports for this documentation, too!
Harlowe is maintained by one person (me) out of a single interactive fiction language development bedroom. As such, I only have a limited number of staff to keep watch over the documentation and the program. I appreciate all reports about documentation slip-ups, typos, outdated advice, flat-out incorrect examples, and so forth.
A brief note of thanks
As of July 2020, Harlowe's issues page and hosting is now at Big thanks to Octobus SAS for providing this free open-source software hosting service, and Clever Cloud SAS for that service's hosting.
Unstable 4.0 builds now available!
By popular demand: you can now access the latest in-progress build of Harlowe 4.0, for your own personal use as an installable story format in Twine. Be warned that Harlowe 4 has intentional incompatibility with Harlowe 3 code, Harlowe 3 CSS, and Harlowe 3 browser support, and that all use of these builds is entirely without warranty! Please scrutinise the change log to fully understand what changes Harlowe 4 brings.
Click here to get the unstable build (last updated 2025-01-2)
Unstable builds are updated at least within a week of all new developments.
What Harlowe does best
Harlowe is one of a small handful of story formats offered in Twine. Each has its own specific focus and audience. Harlowe is designed for the following kind of author and work.
No HTML, Javascript or CSS experience needed
At its core, Harlowe's language is designed to assist authors with no familiarity with HTML, Javascript or CSS. Rather than requiring knowledge of all three languages, Harlowe provides a single language that fulfills the basic needs of all three and whose parts seamlessly integrate.
Use layout syntax, such as columns and aligners, to provide structure and composition to your prose. Harlowe contains special values that represent one or more CSS styles bundled together for convenience. Attach them to single runs of prose to provide the equivalent of inline styles, or use variables or the (change:) or (enchant:) macros to globally affect certain labeled structures. Harlowe's coding language, inside macro calls, smooths over the pitfalls and discrepancies of Javascript - better type-checking and clearer syntax prevents obvious datatype bugs like 1 + "1"
, 1 == "1"
or if (a = 1)
, more plentiful error messages replace silent failures and junk values like NaN
or undefined
, different data structures each use the same setting, getting and checking syntax, and the styling datatypes are easily handled alongside other data. Styles can be combined by simply adding them together, for instance, and computed based on the current game state.
Though, if you already have HTML, Javascript or CSS experience, and would prefer to leverage that experience as you create, you may wish to use SugarCube instead, which provides more direct access to the page's HTML elements and to the Javascript language.
Dynamic hypertext as a focus
I have a deep admiration for the storytelling potential of early and recent hypertext mediums, such as HyperCard, Shockwave, Flash, and early HTML fiction, and I have kept their versatility in mind when creating Harlowe. Harlowe heavily encourages you to think of a page as a dynamic interactive space, not just a sequence of prose followed by choices. Harlowe encourages you to place links and interactive elements in the midst of prose, not just at the end, and to use them to change the prose in surprising and unusual ways - inserting or removing text in a previously-read paragraph, changing the styling of words, changing just the link itself, and other such effects to reveal new meaning in the text and communicate your story in a manner unique to hypertext. If you would like to explore the storytelling potential of hypertext, it is my dear hope that you will find Harlowe satisfying.
Though, if you would prefer a more traditional, branching style of interactive prose writing, you may wish to use Chapbook or a non-Twine language like Ink instead.
Programming depth available when you need it
Don't let the preceding sections lead you to believe Harlowe is narrowly limited as a programming environment. Despite crafting Harlowe as a language apart from Javascript, I've nonetheless equipped it with tools and utilities to handle dense data manipulation. A wide collection of conversion macros and syntactic structures exist to convert and manipulate arrays, strings, and maps, including a lambda syntax, and the (macro:) macro lets you sculpt a personal sub-language within Harlowe. In addition, the Debug Mode gives you a live view of variables, styles, and game state as the story progresses. While these are not meant to be immediately useful to the first-time author, one who has grown more ambitious in their time with Harlowe may call upon them to make more computationally complicated stories, such as basic role-playing games. As you grow in programming confidence, Harlowe can follow you.
No specific simulation elements
Interactive fiction is commonly associated with text adventure games with a high degree of spatial simulation and procedurally generated text, where you control a player-character and manipulate objects and navigate rooms. Harlowe (and the other Twine story formats) is intended for a much wider variety of stories with a much lighter amount of interaction with the story's inner world, and as such it does not contain pre-built programming constructs for rooms, objects, inventories, manipulation verbs, and other common design affordances of text adventures. If you would prefer to write a story with a higher degree of simulation and interaction, you may wish to use a non-Twine language like Inform instead.
Three fundamentals of Harlowe
Harlowe is a markup language that you can apply to your Twine prose to make the prose interactive, non-linear, and game-like. This language's full contents of features may appear daunting, but all of its features revolve around the following three simple concepts, which, when understood, unlock understanding the rest of the language:
1. Macros produce either commands, or data values
A macro is the basic unit of code. It is either a command that changes the game's state or the prose in some way, such as the (set:) macro that saves data to a variable, or the (link-goto:) macro that puts a link inside the prose, or it produces a data value, such as a number or a styling instruction. All of Harlowe's macros are either one or the other.
(set: $companion to "Gallifrey") This is a command.
(print: $companion) This is a command.
(lowercase: "SCREECH") This is a value (a string).
(a: 3,4,5) This is a value (an array).
(for: each _num, 1,2,3) This is a value (a changer).
2. Attach values to hooks of text to change the text
To use macros to change your story's prose, you must place that prose between brackets, which make a hook. You can then attach one or more values to the front of the hook to change the prose. This syntactic structure is used for everything from text styling with (text-style:), to the narrative-branching of the (if:) macro, to more complex commands like (event:) or (for:).
(set: $ringStolen to false)
(if: $ringStolen)[The ring, as expected, is gone.]
In the above example, an "if" statement is created by attaching the (if:) changer value to the square-bracketed hook.
3. You can use anything that produces a value as if it was that value
(set: $text to "VALID")
(set: $slide to (transition:"slide-right"))
(lowercase: "VALID") This is valid.
(lowercase: "VAL" + "ID") This is valid.
(lowercase: "VAL" + (uppercase: "id")) This is valid.
(lowercase: $text) This is valid.
(transition:"slide-right")[VALID] This is valid.
$slide[VALID] This is valid.
It is important, when you read example code in this documentation, not to assume that you're restricted to very specific ways of writing macros and expressions. Just because an example uses a variable, doesn't mean you can't instead use a plain value, or a macro that produces that value, in that exact same place. Variables and macros are interchangeable with the values they contain or produce – a variable containing a number can be used anywhere that a number could be used, as can a macro that produces a number. This means you have a wide range of expressiveness in writing your story's code - you can save values into variables simply to save having to write them in full repeatedly, and you can use data-choosing macros like (either:), (cond:), (nth:) and so forth nearly anywhere you want. Use whatever form is most suited to making your prose readable!
Example stories
Here are a few example stories, written by me, Leon, and designed to be downloaded and opened in the Twine editor for reference and experimentation. These stories' prose and Harlowe code (though, of course, not the Harlowe engine itself) are entirely public domain - use their contents for your own projects as you wish.
Quack of Duckness [download].
This is a parody of the example story for the Chapbook story format, "Cloak of Darkness". This demonstrates several basic Harlowe features:
- Using variables to track the player's actions.
- Using (if:) with the "visits" keyword to display text only once.
- Using (click-append:) to add a link in the middle of a paragraph.
- Using (transition:) to alter the transition of a hook, both as an attached changer and as an additional value given to (click-append:).
- Using a boolean variable to enable a hook, similar to (if:).
- Using escaped line break syntax to control whitespace in the story.
- Using "footer" tagged passages to place text beneath every passage in the story.
- Using (enchant:) with (t8n-depart:) and (t8n-arrive:) inside a "footer" tagged passage to affect the transition of every passage link in the story.
- Using (append:) with the ?sidebar hook name to add icons to the sidebar.
Additionally, it contains an extra passage with a "character creator" board, which allows players to spend statistic points to increase character attributes, in the manner of an RPG. This board makes use of these features:
- Using named hooks and (rerun:) to alter a statistical readout whenever the player modifies one of the statistics.
- Using temp variables to store complicated commands such as (link:) that need to be used multiple times in the passage.
The Basics of TBC [download].
This demonstrates how one would implement a very simple 1-vs-1 turn-based-combat (TBC) engine in Harlowe, in the manner of an RPG. It provides examples of the following features:
- Using (click:) with ?page to only advance the story when the mouse is clicked.
- Using custom macros to reduce the amount of overall code that needs to be written.
- Using temp variables to store calculated values that are used further down the passage.
- Using datamaps (created via (dm:)) to greatly simplify the process of defining unique turn-based-combat opponents, as well as reducing the amount of variables that need to be created to store data relating to the battle's state.
- Using arrays (created via (a:)) to store sequential data, and using (move:) and (rotated:) to change the first value of those arrays.
Styling with Enchantments [download].
This demonstrates a number of ways you can style your stories without needing to use CSS stylesheets. All of the styles in this story are coded in separate passages, and their code is free to use in your stories. They provide examples of the following features:
- Using (enchant:) with ?page, ?passage and ?link to alter the visual presentation of various parts of the page.
- Using (hover-style:) to change how links appear when the mouse hovers over them.
- Using (background:) with (gradient:) and (stripes:).
- Using (hide:) and (replace:) with ?sidebar to alter the sidebar.
Enjoy the examples!
Editing and debugging
Editor toolbar
Harlowe is intended for use inside Twine 2, which installs with it included as the default format. When Harlowe is selected as the current story format for your story (via a dropdown menu in the Details tab of the Story menu), then it will augment Twine's passage editor with extra toolbar buttons. These buttons either allow markup to be quickly inserted into the passage code, or provide some other kind of assistance in editing. These buttons are outlined as follows.
Text styles: each item in this dropdown menu (or, depending on version, set of buttons) wraps the selected text in one of the markup styles Harlowe offers. Selecting "More Styles" will produce a dialog box that allows you to mix and match a wider variety of styles, displaying a preview pane containing your chosen combination. That dialog, when OK is clicked, will wrap the selected text in a hook (or, if "affect the entire remainder of the passage or hook" was selected, adds an unclosed hook)with an attached (text-style:) macro call that enables them.
Colour: this produces a dialog box that lets you set the text colour and opacity, as well as set the background to a flat colour or a linear gradient. Choosing OK will do one of a number of things depending on which "affect" option was selected.
- When affecting "the attached hook", it wraps the selected text in a hook with an attached (bg:) and/or (text-colour:) changer.
- When affecting "the remainder of the passage or hook", it adds an unclosed hook with an attached (bg:) and/or (text-colour:) changer.
- When affecting "the entire passage" or "the entire page", it adds an (enchant:) macro call targeting either the ?Passage or ?Page hook name, and applying a (bg:) and/or (text-colour:) changer.
Borders: this produces a dialog box that lets you specify HTML border styles for all four sides of a block of text. Choosing OK will do one of a number of things depending on which "affect" option was selected.
- When affecting "the attached hook", it wraps the selected text in a hook with an attached (b4r:), (b4r-size:) and/or (b4r-colour:) changer.
- When affecting "the remainder of the passage or hook", it adds an unclosed hook with an attached (b4r:), (b4r-size:) and/or (b4r-colour:) changer.
- When affecting "the entire passage", it adds an (enchant:) macro call targeting the ?Passage hook name, and applying a (b4r:), (b4r-size:) and/or (b4r-colour:) changer.
Rotated text: this produces a dialog box that lets you rotate a block of text through 3 geometric axes. Choosing OK will wrap the selected text in a hook (or, if "affect the entire remainder of the passage or hook" was selected, adds an unclosed hook) with an attached (text-rotate-x:), (text-rotate-y:) and/or (text-rotate-z:) changer.
List and line items: the items in this dropdown menu insert syntax elements that affect a single line: the bulleted list markup, the numbered list markup, a horizontal rule, or the level 1 heading markup. These each have very simply and easy-to-memorise syntax, but this menu exists in case you forget.
Alignment and Columns: this dropdown menu features two items.
- Alignment produces a dialog box that lets you adjust the horizontal margins, width and alignment of a block of text. Choosing OK will wrap the selected text in a hook (or, if "affect the entire remainder of the passage or hook" was selected, adds an unclosed hook) with an attached (align:) and/or (box:) changer.
- Columns produces a dialog box that lets you define two or more columns of text, each with their own width and margins. Choosing OK will insert the column markup into the passage, replacing any selected text.
Collapse whitespace: this produces a dialog box that lets you choose between wrapping the selected text in the collapsing whitespace markup, or insert the unclosed collapsing whitespace markup. The chosen option is performed when clicking OK.
Verbatim: this wraps the selected text in the verbatim markup. If the selected text contains any grave
marks, then enough`
marks will be used to unambiguously wrap it.HTML Comments: this wraps the selected text in the HTML comments markup.
- Macro: this dropdown menu can be used to choose from a number of "wizards" (dialog forms) that help you insert specific Harlowe macros that perform a certain common task. Note that these wizards only offer a limited number of features, and that understanding the relevant Harlowe macros, and writing their calls yourself, will provide more sophisticated control over them.
- Link: this wizard lets you design a link (or specify that the page can be clicked), and the action to perform when clicking it.
- If: this wizard lets you design a condition, involving various actions the player may have performed, or the current state of a variable, that causes a hook to be shown.
- Input: this wizard lets you design either an (input-box:) command, a (force-input-box:) command, a (dropdown:) command, a (checkbox:) command, or a (dialog:) command, each of which can have their player-inputted value bound to a variable.
- Hook: this very simple dialog lets you create a named hook.
- Value: this wizard lets you design a (set:) command, which sets a single variable to a specific value.
Be aware for all of the above that, once OK is clicked and code has been placed, there isn't any way to "unmake" the code and return to the dialog that produced it. So, if you want to change some aspect of the resulting code, you'll have to edit it as-is.
The following buttons are toggleable - they enable or disable special editing modes or features.
Proofreading View: this dims all of the passage code except for plain text, and string data. This is meant for proofreading the written prose of your passage, while reducing the distraction of colourful macro code. Because string data often carries fragments or portions of prose for display in the story (such as alternatives given to (nth:) or (either:)), those remain undimmed along with plain text. While you may wish to use the "Proof" feature in Twine 2 for more thorough proofreading, this is ideal for quicker reviews and corrections of individual passages.
Coding Tooltips: enabled by default, this provides explanatory tooltips when you rest the editor cursor over a Harlowe macro, hook, or coding structure which isn't plain text. Once you have a decent grasp of how Harlowe code works, you can toggle these off to reduce editing distractions.
The remaining buttons offer additional editing utilities.
Find and Replace: this opens a rudimentary find/replace dialog, such as can be found in most text editors. Entering text in the "Find" box causes all instances to be highlighted purple inside the editor. The ↑ and ↓ buttons change the "current match" (which is the match that will be replaced first using the "Replace" button) as well as scrolling it into view. You can use the dropdown to limit matches to either passage prose (to prevent macro names or keywords like
from being included), code (to prevent text from being included), or the current selection. Finally, you can make the search case-sensitive using a checkbox. Clicking Done will close the dialog box and remove the search highlighting.Manual: opens this web page.
Editor Preferences: provides options for toggling some of the Passage Editor's Harlowe-specific features on and off.
Finally, while most of these buttons don't have visible labels, hovering over one will produce a small tooltip revealing its name.
Editor keyboard shortcuts
When using the passage editor in Twine 2, the following keyboard (and mouse) shortcuts are available. Note that many of these (in particular, those involving cursor movement and selections) are shared across all Twine story formats, not just Harlowe. In the notation below, substitute Ctrl for ⌘ if you are using MacOS.
Keyboard shortcut | Purpose |
Ctrl+Left Click | Create additional text cursors. These cursors all output the same text at their location when you type, and can be moved simultaneously. Use this feature to edit or insert the same text in multiple locations. |
Ctrl+Left Drag | Create multiple, disconnected text selections without deselecting the current selections. These can all be edited simultaneously by typing, like single selections. |
Ctrl+D | Delete the entire line that the cursor is on. |
Ctrl+Home | Move the cursor to the top of the passage. |
Ctrl+End | Move the cursor to the bottom of the passage. |
Ctrl+Left | Move the cursor to the start of the previous "clump" of characters. These are either words (clumps of alphanumeric characters), runs of punctuation, or runs of multiple whitespace characters. |
Ctrl+Right | Move the cursor to the end of the next "clump" of characters. These are either words (clumps of alphanumeric characters), runs of punctuation, or runs of multiple whitespace characters. |
Alt+Left | Move the cursor to the start of the current line. |
Alt+Right | Move the cursor to the end of the current line. |
Ctrl+B | Wrap the current selected text in the "bold" style markup. |
Ctrl+I | Wrap the current selected text in the "italic" style markup. |
Ctrl+- | Wrap the current selected text in the "strikethrough" style markup. |
Ctrl+. | Wrap the current selected text in the "superscript" style markup. |
Ctrl+F | Open the Find/Replace panel. |
Ctrl+G | Go to the next Find/Replace match (scroll it onto the screen, and make it the target of the next "Replace" operation). |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Go to the previous Find/Replace match. |
Ctrl+H | Replace the current Find/Replace match. |
In addition to these, the most basic text editor operations (like using Ctrl-Z to undo, Ctrl-Y or Ctrl-Shift-Z to redo, Ctrl+A to select all of the text, Shift+Left or Shift+Right to adjust the current selection, dragging the current selected text to reposition it, and the like) are, of course, also available.
Debug Mode
If you select "Test" or use the "Test From Here" feature in the Twine editor, or use the (debug:) macro, Harlowe will enter Debug Mode. Debug Mode provides a number of useful features for testing your story, examining how it runs, and checking what variables contain.
The exact differences between normal play and Debug Mode are as follows.
- At the start of the story, passages tagged with
will run, in alphabetical order by their passage name, after passages taggedstartup
. - In every passage, passages tagged with
will be displayed, in alphabetical order by their passage name, after passages taggedheader
, and passages tagged withdebug-footer
will be displayed, in alphabetical order by their passage name, after passages taggedfooter
. - Error messages will have a 🔍 button visible on them, allowing a replay to be watched (see below). This can be toggled on and off in Debug Mode's options.
- The Debug Mode panel (depicted below) will be active.
Generally speaking, Debug Mode is not intended to be used by your story's players, and you aren't expected to distribute stories with Debug Mode enabled.
Debug Mode panel:
The Debug Mode panel sits on the lower-right corner of the browser window. It provides access to the following features.
- Resizer bar: click and drag this to resize the panel horizontally. A similar bar appears on all drawer panels, allowing you to resize them vertically.
- Variables: this button opens and closes a drawer panel that displays the contents of all of the variables (as well as individual values inside data structures) currently active in the story. This is a table with the following columns. Click any column to sort the table (alternating descending and ascending per click) by that column. At the bottom, a button marked "Copy $ variables as (set:) call" will, when clicked, copy to the Clipboard a source code representation of a (set:) call which recreates all of the story-wide variables as they are right now - which may be useful for recreating this exact variable state elsewhere in the story, for testing purposes.
- Type: lists the type that the variable has been restricted to (by using the
syntax in a (set:), (put:), (unpack:) or (macro:) macro). If no restriction was made (which is the same as restricting to theany
datatype), then this is blank. - Name: the name of the variable, including its
sigil. The sigil is not used to determine the sorting of the column. If this is a data value inside a data structure (for example,$list's 1st
), then the name of the containing variable will be grayed out, and the name (or position) of the data value will be listed after it. However, if the containing data structure is a dataset, then its name will be listed as???
(because datasets' values can't be accessed by name or position). - Scope: if the variable is a temp variable, then this lists the scope that the variable is usable. If a temp variable is created inside a hook, then the hook will be listed here - otherwise, it will say that the hook's scope is "in this passage". Sort by this column to separate temp variables from ordinary variables.
- Value: a plain-English description of the value contained in the variable, identical to that used in error messages which refer to that value. Values are colour-coded by their datatype, using identical colours to those used in Twine's passage editor.
- A blank column with (source:) buttons. These buttons will show and hide a fold-down strip that contains the source code representation of the value, as if by a (source:) or (v6m-source:) macro call.
- Type: lists the type that the variable has been restricted to (by using the
- Enchantments: this button opens and closes a drawer panel that displays all of the enchantments (created by (enchant:), (click:), or similar macros) that are currently active in the passage. This is a table with the following columns.
- Scope: the HookName (or textual string) that was given to the (enchant:) or (click:) macro, which is used to determine what structures the enchantment affects.
- Value: a plain-English description of the changer given to (enchant:). If this enchantment was created via a (click:)-related macro, this instead contains "enchanted via" and the name of the macro.
- A blank column with (source:) buttons. For enchantments created with (enchant:), these buttons will show and hide a fold-down strip that contains the source code representation of the changer given to it.
- Errors: this button opens and closes a drawer panel that lists all of the errors that have appeared in the story thus far. Keeping a close eye on this panel can be useful for finding error messages that disappeared too quickly for you to read them (because the passage contained a timed (go-to:) or (redirect:), or the error message's containing hook was replaced using (replace:) or some other macro). You may clear the panel of all errors using the "Clear this panel" button at the bottom.
- Storylets: this button only appears if at least one valid storylet (a passage containing a (storylet:) call or a specifically-written (metadata:) call) exists somewhere in the story. It opens and closes a drawer panel that displays the current status of all the storylet conditions at this present moment. This is a table with the following columns.
- Open: if the storylet condition currently produces
, and there are no other open storylets with higher exclusivity, then this display a tick mark. Sort by this column to easily see which storylets are currently open or not. - Name: the name of the passage.
- Condition: the lambda condition for this storylet. All such conditions are
lambdas, so thewhen
keyword is not displayed here. - Exclusivity: if the (exclusivity:) macro (or a specifically-written (metadata:) call) was used to change the exclusivity of the storylet, the exclusivity number is displayed here.
- Urgency: if the (urgency:) macro (or a specifically-written (metadata:) call) was used to change the urgency of the storylet, the urgency number is displayed here. Urgency only affects the sort order of the (open-storylets:) macro, and the numeric order of the (link-storylet:) macro.
- Open: if the storylet condition currently produces
- Source: this button displays the source code of the current passage, plus the source code of all
, and (if this is the first turn of the story)startup
tagged passages in the story, as well as debug variations of the above. Each of these passages has its own fold-down tab along the right side of the panel - use these to pick and choose what passage's source code you want to examine. (Note: as of version 3.3.4, excessively long passages will, for performance reasons, not have their code syntax-highlighted.) - Tools: this button opens and closes a drawer panel which holds a couple of special-purpose tools to help you examine the story as it is running.
- See through and click through (dialog:) boxes: turns dialog boxes (except debugging dialogs), and their dark backdrops, 90% transparent, and lets you click through them to interact with elements behind them. This can be useful when you want to proofread some text, check for error messages, or examine a replay (see below) for an element that's behind a dialog box.
- Stop links, (click:) and (hover-style:) from activating: stops clicks and cursor hovers (and any other action specified by (action:)) from activating elements (debugging elements excluded). This can be useful if you want to examine a replay (see below) inside a (click:) region or a link, or select text that's inside an
region. - Stop (go-to:), (undo:), (redirect:) and (refresh:) from activating: stops these commands from activating when they are added to the passage. They can be selectively activated later by turning on Debug View and clicking the "GO" buttons on them (next to the Replay button).
- Speed of timed events: a dropdown which causes a multiplier to be applied to
, so as to make timed events that use it occur sooner or later. It also applies a multiplier to the delay that (after:) and (live:) wait. However, it does not affect transitions at all, which is to say it has no effect on (t8n-time:) or (t8n-delay:).
- ⚙️: this button lets you configure Debug Mode's settings. These settings are saved in browser localStorage, so that they should be preserved across multiple debugging sessions. In Harlowe 3.3.0, the following settings are available.
- Debug panel is dark: changes the panel to a white-on-black colour scheme rather than black-on-white.
- Debug panel is transparent unless the cursor is over it: a feature that lets you see the passage beneath the panel as long as the mouse isn't hovering over it. You may turn this off if you find it distracting.
- Record expression replays: enables or disables replay recording (see "Debug View", below). This can hinder the performance of your story, so you may disable it if you need the story to run closer to its actual speed.
- Turns: a dropdown menu listing all of the turns that have currently elapsed in the passage, and the name of the passage visited at the start of the turn (note that the (redirect:) macro can transport the player between multiple passages during a single turn). Select a turn to undo (or redo) to that turn, as if navigating the web browser's history.
- Debug View: toggles "Debug View" (see below).
- DOM View: toggles "DOM View", a special view, intended for those familiar with HTML and CSS, that highlights and names all of the HTML DOM elements in the passage, to make it easier to examine how Harlowe's code structures are converted to HTML elements, which is useful for writing CSS rules targeting those elements.
- Close button: clicking this closes the Debug Mode panel and exits Debug Mode. Once this is done, there is no way to return to Debug Mode except via another (debug:) macro call.
Debug View:
This is a special viewing mode that makes otherwise-invisible code structures visible, and lets you examine how they were interpreted by Harlowe. When enabled, it applies the following features.
- Macro calls in the passage prose become visible, as translucent coloured rectangles containing the macro's name. These rectangles also surround any displayed output of the macro (such as that produced by (print:), (display:), (nth:) and so forth). If a replay is available (see below), a 🔍 button is also present next to the macro's name. Note that only the "bottommost" macro is visible - nested macro calls aren't made visible, but can be observed in the replay.
- Plain variables in the passage prose become visible, as translucent coloured rectangles containing the variable's name, and surrounding the variable's output.
- Hooks become visible, as tiny
marks surrounding their contained content. If the hook is named, a tag such as<name|
appears after the closing]
mark. - Enchanted hooks (or other enchanted areas, such as links or the passage element) have a faint orange and cyan border around them.
- A few notification messages are inserted in certain places. For instance, when a hook's contents were repeated using the (for:) changer, a notification message displaying the number of loops (repetitions) is visible at the start of the hook.
Clicking the 🔍 buttons on macro calls or error messages will produce a replay of that call, which is a dialog showing a step-by-step view of how the macro call's code was interpreted by Harlowe, starting with the initial call as written (such as (if: 2 + 5 > (max: 3, 8))
) and computing that call's values one step at a time (in this case, the steps are (if: 7 > (max: 3, 8))
, (if: 7 > 8)
and (if: false)
For performance reasons, Harlowe only records replay data after Debug Mode is enabled (and if the setting to record replays is enabled in Debug Mode's settings). The (debug:) macro can enable it after startup, but any macro calls that were run after the (debug:) call was run will have replay data available.
Passage markup
Link markup
Hyperlinks are the player's means of moving between passages and affecting the story. They consist of link text, which the player clicks on, and a passage name to send the player to.
Inside matching non-nesting pairs of [[
and ]]
, place the link text and the passage name,
separated by either ->
or <-
, with the arrow pointing to the passage name.
You can also write a shorthand form, where there is no <-
or ->
The entire content is treated as a passage name, and its evaluation is treated as the link text.
Example usage:
[[Go to the cellar->Cellar]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Cellar".
[[Parachuting<-Jump]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Parachuting".
[[Down the hatch]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Down the hatch".
The interior of a link (the text between [[
and ]]
) may contain any character except ]
. If additional
s or <-
s appear, the rightmost right arrow or leftmost left arrow is regarded as the canonical separator.
has a link text of "A->B->C->D" and a passage name of "E"[[A<-B<-C<-D<-E]]
has a link text of "B<-C<-D<-E" and a passage name of "A".
If the passage name of a link does not exactly match that of an existing passage, but it does if you render the markup in or around it, then Harlowe will use that name. So, you can put markup inside the link, as well as variables or value macros like (either:).
will link to the passage named "//Seagulls!//" if it exists, or the passage named "Seagulls!" if that exists.[[Shelly?->$shellyPlace]]
is a link that goes to the passage whose name is in the variable$shellyPlace
However, you can't put commands or changers in the passage name. [[Really, now.->(print:$explain)]]
will cause an error.
Links can be customised by attaching changer macros, like (transition-depart:) or (text-style:). Just
place one in front of the link, like so: (t8n-depart:"dissolve")[[Recall that day]]
- or attach a variable containing
one: $memory[[Recall that day]]
. You can also customise every link in the passage using (change:) or (enchant:), and ?Link.
This syntax is not the only way to create links – there are many link macros, such as (link:), which can be used to make more versatile hyperlinks in your story.
Style markup
It's expected that you'd want to apply styles to your text – to italicise a word in dialogue, for example. You can do this with simple formatting codes that are similar to the double brackets of a link. Here is what's available to you:
Styling | Markup code | Result | HTML produced |
Italics | //text// |
text | <i>text</i> |
Boldface | ''text'' |
text | <b>text</b> |
Strikethrough text | ~~text~~ |
<s>text</s> |
Emphasis | *text* |
text | <em>text</em> |
Strong emphasis | **text** |
text | <strong>text</strong> |
Superscript | meters/second^^2^^ |
meters/second2 | meters/second<sup>2</sup> |
Emphasis and strong emphasis appear identical to italics and boldface by default (though they can be changed using CSS) and are offered for those with familiarity with the Markdown language. Italics and boldface are offered for those with familiarity with SugarCube, Twine 1, or TiddlyWiki.
The alternative Markdown emphasis syntax _text_
and __text__
is not available. Harlowe reserves the use of the _
character for temp variables.
Example usage:
You //can't// be serious! I have to go through the ''whole game''
again? ^^Jeez, Louise!^^
You can nest these codes - ''//text//''
will produce bold italics - but they must nest
symmetrically. ''//text''//
will not work.
A larger variety of text styles can be produced by using the (text-style:) macro, attaching it to
a text hook you'd like to style. And, furthermore, you can use HTML tags like <mark>
as an additional
styling option.
Macro markup
A macro is a piece of code that is inserted into passage text. Macros are used to accomplish many effects, such as altering the game's state, displaying different text depending on the game's state, and altering the manner in which text is displayed.
Built in macros:
There are many built-in macros in Harlowe. To use one, you must call upon it in your passage by writing
the name, a colon, and some data values to provide it, all in parentheses. For instance, you call the (print:)
macro like so: (print: 54)
. In this example, print
is the macro's name, and 54
is the value.
The name of the macro is case-insensitive, dash-insensitive and underscore-insensitive. This means that
almost any combination of case, dashes and underscores in the name will be ignored. You can, for instance, write
as (goto:)
, (Goto:)
, (GOTO:)
, (GoTo:)
, (Go_To:)
, (Got--o:)
, (-_-_g-o-t-o:)
, or
almost any other combination or variation. There is, however, ONE exception: the name cannot start with an underscore
_, because that would make it a temp variable.
Custom macros:
In addition to built-in macros, it is also possible to write your own macros, using the (macro:) macro. You need
to save these macros inside a variable or temp variable using the (set:) macro. Once you've done so, you can call it
much like it was a built-in macro, except by replacing the name with the variable: ($someCustomMacro:)
is how you would
call a custom macro stored in the variable $someCustomMacro, and (_anotherCustomMacro:)
is how you would
call a custom macro stored in the temp variable _anotherCustomMacro. Note that you can't use dataname access to
use macros that are inside arrays or datamaps: ($array's 1st:)
is, unfortunately, not a valid custom macro call.
Passing data:
You can provide any type of data values to a macro call - numbers, strings, booleans, and so forth. These
can be in any form, as well - "Red" + "belly"
is an expression that produces a single string, "Redbelly",
and can be used anywhere that the joined string can be used. Variables, too, can be used with macros, if
their contents matches what the macro expects. So, if $var
contains the string "Redbelly", then (print: $var)
(print: "Redbelly")
and (print: "Red" + "belly")
are exactly the same.
Furthermore, each macro call produces a value itself - (num:), for instance, produces a number, (a:) an array - so
they too can be nested inside other macro calls. (if: (num:"5") > 2)
nests the (num:) macro inside the (if:) macro.
If a macro can or should be given multiple values, separate them with commas. You can give the (a:)
three numbers like so: (a: 2, 3, 4)
. The final value may have a comma after it, or it may not - (a: 2, 3, 4,)
is equally valid. Also, if you have a data value that's an array, string or dataset, you can "spread out" all
of its values into the macro call by using the ...
operator: (either: ...$array)
will act as if every value in
$array was placed in the (either:) macro call separately
Historical note:
You might notice that the majority of Harlowe macros are not, strictly speaking, macros in the computer-science sense, but are more like functions. This is purely due to historical circumstance - the original Twine 1 story format, Jonah, was based on TiddlyWiki's engine, which features parameterised transclusions called "macros". These are closer to computer-science macros in that they actually transclude markup directly into the tiddler (TiddlyWiki's term for "passage"). Thus, only Harlowe command macros like (display:) can really be considered "proper" macros.
Variable markup
As described in the documentation for the (set:) macro, variables are used to remember data values
in your game, keep track of the player's status, and so forth. They start with $
(for normal variables)
or _
(for temp variables, which only exist inside a single passage, hook or lambda).
Due to this syntax potentially conflicting with dollar values (such as $1.50) in your story text, variables cannot begin with a numeral.
You can print the contents of variables, or any further items within them, using the (print:) and (for:) macros. Or, if you only want to print a single variable, you can just enter the variable's name directly in your passage's prose.
(set: $plushieName to "Whispy", _heldItem to "briefcase")
Your beloved plushie, $plushieName, awaits you after a long work day.
You put your _heldItem down and lift it for a snuggle.
Furthermore, if the variable contains a changer command, such as that created by (text-style:) and such, then the variable can be attached to a hook to apply the changer to the hook:
(set: $robotText to (font:"Courier New"), _assistantText to (size:0.8))
$robotText[Good golly! Your flesh... it's so soft!]
_assistantText[Don't touch me, please! I'm ticklish.]
Note: While you can normally display the contents of variables by simply placing their names directly in passage prose,
such as $ship
or $crew
, you have to use another macro, such as (print:), to display the contents of arrays, datamaps, or other structures,
such as (print: $ship's mast)
or (print: $crew's 1st)
Note 2: Even though named hooks' names are case-insensitive, variable names are case-sensitive. So, $Chips
and $chips
are considered
different variables.
Note 3: In Harlowe 3, If you use a story-wide variable that doesn't exist (that is, it hasn't been created via (set:), (put:), and so forth), then
a default value of 0 will be used in its place. So, (print: $nonexistantVariable)
will show the text "0". This is likely to change in a future version
of Harlowe, however.
Hook markup
A hook is a means of indicating that a specific span of passage prose is special in some way. It
essentially consists of text between single [
and ]
marks. Prose inside a hook can be modified, styled,
controlled and analysed in a variety of ways using macros.
A hook by itself, such as [some text]
, is not very interesting. However, if you attach a macro or a
variable to the front, the attached value is used to change the hook in some way, such as hiding
it based on the game state, altering the styling of its text, moving its text to elsewhere in the passage.
(font: "Courier New")[This is a hook.
As you can see, this has a macro call in front of it.]
This text is outside the hook.
The (font:) macro is one of several macros which produces a special styling changer, instead of a basic data type like a number or a string. In this case, the changer changes the attached hook's font to Courier New, without modifying the other text.
You can save this changer to a variable, and then use it repeatedly, like so.
(set: $x to (font: "Tahoma"))
$x[This text is in Tahoma.]
$x[As is this text.]
The basic (if:) macro is used by attaching it to a hook, too.
(if: $x is 2)[This text is only displayed if $x is 2.]
For more information about changer macros, consult the descriptions for each of them in turn.
Named hook markup
For a general introduction to hooks, see their respective markup description. Named hooks are a less common type of hook that offer unique benefits. To produce one, attach a "nametag" to the front or back, similar to how a macro call would be attached:
[This hook is named 'opener']<opener|
|s2>[This hook is named 's2']
(Hook nametags are supposed to resemble triangular gift box nametags.)
A macro can refer to and alter the text content of a named hook by referring to the hook as if it were a variable.
To do this, write the hook's name as if it were a variable, but use the ?
symbol in place of the $
[Fie and fuggaboo!]<shout|
(click: ?shout)[ (replace: ?shout)["Blast and damnation!"] ]
The above (click:) and (replace:) macros can remotely refer to and alter the hook using its name. This lets you, for instance, write a section of text full of tiny hooks, and then attach behaviour to them further in the passage:
Your [ballroom gown]<c1| is [bright red]<c2| with [silver streaks]<c3|,
and covered in [moonstones]<c4|.
(click: ?c1)[(replace:?c5)[A hand-me-down from your great aunt.]]
(click: ?c2)[(replace:?c5)[A garish shade, to your reckoning.]]
(click: ?c3)[(replace:?c5)[Only their faint shine keeps them from being seen as grey.]]
(click: ?c4)[(replace:?c5)[Dreadfully heavy, they weigh you down and make dancing arduous.]]
As you can see, the top sentence remains mostly readable despite the fact that several words have (click:) behaviours assigned to them.
Built in names:
There are four special built-in hook names, ?Page, ?Passage, ?Sidebar, and ?Link, which, in addition to selecting named hooks, also affect parts of the page that you can't normally style with macros. They can be styled using the (change:) or (enchant:) macros.
selects the page element (to be precise, the<tw-story>
element) and using it with the (change:) and (bg:) macros lets you change the background of the entire page.?Passage
affects just the element that contains the current passage's text (to be precise, the<tw-passage>
element) and lets you, for instance, change the (text-colour:) or (font:) of all the text, or apply complex (css:) to it.?Sidebar
selects the passage's sidebar containing undo/redo icons (<tw-sidebar>
). You can style it with styling macros, or use (replace:) or (append:) to insert your own text into it.?Link
selects all of the links (passage links, and those created by (link:) and other macros) in the passage. This is similar to thelinks
data value for HookName data.
(Note that, as mentioned above, if you use these names for your own hooks, such as by creating a named hook like |passage>[]
then they will, of course, be included in the selections of these names.)
Hidden hook markup
Hidden hooks are an advanced kind of named hook that can be shown using macros like (show:). For a general introduction to named hooks, see their respective markup description.
There may be hooks whose contained prose you don't want to be visible as soon as the passage appears -
a time delay, or the click of a link should be used to show them. You can set a hook to be hidden by altering
the hook tag syntax - replace the >
or <
mark with a parenthesis.
|visible>[This hook is visible when the passage loads.]
|cloaked)[This hook is hidden when the passage loads, and needs a macro like `(show:?cloaked)` to reveal it.]
[My commanding officer - a war hero, and a charismatic face for the military.]<sight|
[Privately, I despise the man. His vacuous boosterism makes a mockery of my sacrifices.](thoughts|
(You can think of this as being visually similar to the pointed tails of comic speech balloons vs. round, enclosed thought balloons.)
In order to be useful, hidden hooks must have a name, which macros like (show:) can use to show them. Hence, there's no way to make a hidden unnamed hook - at least, without using a conditional macro like (if:).
Unclosed hook markup
This is a special version of the hook markup - an open bracket [
, followed by any number of =
marks, that has no matching
closing bracket. When it is placed in a passage, it indicates that all the prose that follows, until the end of the hook
that contains it or the end of the passage, is part of a single hook.
Its main purpose is to let you easily deploy hook changers that apply to the remaining text of the passage, without having to place and keep track of closing brackets at the end. For instance, the (click:) macro can be used with the ?page hook name to prompt the reader to click anywhere on the page to reveal the rest of the passage. The unclosed hook markup lets you use it as many times as you want, without needing to balance a number of closing brackets at the end of the passage.
(click: ?page)[==
This text won't appear until the page is clicked once.
(click: ?page)[==
This text won't appear until the page is clicked twice.
(click: ?page)[==
This text won't appear until the page is clicked three times.
Other changer macros, such as (link:), (more:), (event:), and (transition:), also work well with this markup.
Also, unclosed hooks can be named, and marked as hidden, just like other hooks.
The rest of this passage is in a hook named "1".
This part is also in a hidden hook named "2".
HTML markup
If you are familiar with them, HTML tags (like <img>
) and HTML escapes (like §
) can be inserted
straight into your passage text. They are treated very naively - they essentially pass through Harlowe's
markup-to-HTML conversion process untouched.
Example usage:
<mark>This is marked text.
¶ So is this.
And this.</mark>
HTML elements included in this manner are given a data-raw
attribute by Harlowe, to distinguish them
from elements created via markup.
You can include a <script>
tag in your passage to run Javascript code. The code will run as soon as the
containing passage code is rendered. See the "HTML script tag" article for more details.
You can also include a <style>
tag containing CSS code. The CSS should affect the entire page
until the element is removed from the DOM. You could use this in a "header" or "footer" tagged passage, inside an (if:) hook,
to make the CSS apply to every passage where the (if:) condition is fulfilled.
Finally, you can also include HTML comments <!-- Comment -->
in your code, if you wish to leave
reminder messages or explanations about the passage's code to yourself.
HTML script tag markup
This section details further information about the workings of <script>
elements placed inside Harlowe passages, and how the Javascript code relates to the Harlowe code in the containing passage.
If a <script>
tag has a type
attribute, and the MIME-type in that attribute is anything other than 'text/javascript', Harlowe will ignore it (in keeping with HTML's normal behaviour).
No Harlowe internal methods and modules are currently accessible inside scripts. However, jQuery 3.6 may be accessed from the $
global variable. This is a third-party library that Harlowe uses internally
and whose code is included in every compiled story, and is not retrieved via CDN or any online connections.
As of Harlowe 3.3.0, <script>
elements are run while Harlowe runs the macros and expressions in a passage. Thus, if a macro or hook is before the <script>
tag in the passage, it will be run beforehand,
and if a macro or hook is after it, it will be run after it. To defer the execution of Javascript code until the passage is fully rendered or run, consider using a setTimeout
As of Harlowe 3.3.0, Javascript code in <script>
elements (that is, without a src
attribute) has access to Harlowe variables - both story-wide variables that begin with $
, and temporary (temp) variables
that begin with _
which are visible in the same hook as the <script>
element. Harlowe variables are accessed by writing the Harlowe variable name as if it were a Javascript variable.
Valid Harlowe variable names are also coincidentally valid Javascript names, so there's no need to escape or modify them. Assigning to these names will immediately update the Harlowe variable, if possible.
Example usage:
(set: _harloweVariable to "You're reading the ")\
_harloweVariable += document.title.bold();
(print: _harloweVariable)
To eliminate any confusion: These names are not Javascript variables, or even global window
properties, but object getters and setters added to the script's scope using a with
These names do not pollute or overwrite the global scope (although they shadow any global variables with the same names, such as window.$arr
being shadowed by a Harlowe variable $arr), and
remain accessible and current even inside a callback created within the script. Moreover, even though these names are created using a with
statement, it is still possible to opt
into Javascript's "strict mode" by placing the "use strict"
pragma at the start of the script.
If "strict mode" is not enabled for the script, an error will not occur if you attempt to assign to a Harlowe variable that doesn't exist, such as by writing $arr = []
- instead, a global
Javascript variable will be created.
Harlowe variables in Javascript currently have the following restrictions.
- Only the following six Javascript datatypes may be assigned to Harlowe variables: booleans, strings, numbers (except NaN and Infinity), Maps (created by Map() or a subclass) that have only strings as keys, Sets (created by Set() or a subclass) and Arrays. These last three data structures can only contain the aforementioned six datatypes. Attempting to assign other values will produce an error. The restriction on Map keys may be removed in a future version of Harlowe.
- Only the following Harlowe datatypes may be accessed from Javascript: numbers, booleans, strings, datamaps, datasets and arrays. These last three data structures can only contain the aforementioned six datatypes. Attempting to read other values from Harlowe variables will produce an error.
- Of course, if the Harlowe variable was type-restricted (using the
syntax in a (set:), (put:) or (unpack:) macro call) then this restriction will also apply to Javascript assignments. Assigning the wrong datatype to a type-restricted Harlowe variable will cause an error. - Data structures are deep-cloned when read from Harlowe variables and assigned to Harlowe variables. Hence, Javascript code cannot receive direct references
to Harlowe values. This is to prevent Harlowe data structures from being deeply mutated (such as by calling
on a Harlowe datamap, or.push()
on a Harlowe array) as a way of circumventing the previous two restrictions. - As a consequence of the above, "expando" properties (such as
let a = []; a.pigs = 1;
) are erased from data structures, and data structures created from subclasses of Map, Set or Array will be converted to instances of the base class. - Story-wide variables that were only created after the
was run will NOT be available to the script, even if the script creates a callback function that is called later.
Finally, there is no way to call Harlowe macros from Javascript, at present. There is also no way to access identifiers like exits
or visits
from Javascript, at present.
A redundant note:
Harlowe is not meant to be a story format that you write using Javascript instead of its own language, and I have taken great care in designing it such that authors are not rewarded for knowing how to write Javascript.
The <script>
element feature is intended solely to complement existing Harlowe code, by allowing small samples of Javascript to minimally interact with it. As such, I recommend using it sparingly and judiciously.
That being said, feel free to use this feature in any way you wish, as long as you understand whether your usage lines up with its purpose and intent.
Verbatim markup
As plenty of symbols have special uses in Harlowe, you may wonder how you can use them normally, as mere symbols,
without invoking their special functionality. You can do this by placing them between a pair of `
If you want to escape a section of text which already contains single `
marks, simply increase the number
of `
marks used to enclose them.
Example usage:
I want to include `[[double square brackets]]` in my story, so I use grave ` marks.
I want to include ``single graves ` in my story``, so I place them between two grave marks.
There's no hard limit to the amount of graves you can use to enclose the text.
If you want to make an entire hook to be displayed verbatim, without its markup being rendered, you can attach the (verbatim:) changer.
Bulleted list markup
You can create bullet-point lists in your text by beginning lines with an asterisk *
, followed by whitespace,
followed by the list item text. The asterisk will be replaced with an indented bullet-point. Consecutive lines
of bullet-point items will be joined into a single list, with appropriate vertical spacing.
Remember that there must be whitespace between the asterisk and the list item text! Otherwise, this markup will conflict with the emphasis markup.
If you use multiple asterisks (**
, ***
etc.) for the bullet, you will make a nested list, which is indented deeper than
a normal list. Use nested lists for "children" of normal list items.
Example usage:
* Bulleted item
* Bulleted item 2
** Indented bulleted item
Numbered list markup
You can create numbered lists in your text, which are similar to bulleted lists, but feature numbers in place of bullets.
Simply begin single lines with 0.
, followed by whitespace, followed by the list item text. Consecutive items will be
joined into a single list, with appropriate vertical spacing. Each of the 0.
s will be replaced
with a number corresponding to the item's position in the list.
Remember that there must be whitespace between the 0.
and the list item text! Otherwise, it will be regarded as a plain
If you use multiple 0.
tokens (0.0.
, 0.0.0.
etc.) for the bullet, you will make a nested list, which uses different
numbering from outer lists, and are indented deeper. Use nested lists for "children" of normal list items.
Example usage:
0. Numbered item
0. Numbered item 2
0.0. Indented numbered item
Aligner markup
An aligner is a special single-line token which specifies the alignment of the subsequent text. It is essentially
'modal' - all text from the token onward (until another aligner is encountered) is wrapped in a <tw-align>
(or unwrapped in the case of left-alignment, as that is the default).
- Right-alignment, resembling
is produced with 2 or more=
s followed by a>
. - Left-alignment, resembling
is restored with a<
followed by 2 or more=
. - Justified alignment, resembling
is produced with<
, 2 or more=
, and a closing>
. - Mixed alignment is 1 or more
, then><
, then 1 or more=
. The ratio of quantity of left=
s and right=
s determines the alignment: for instance, one=
to the left and three=
s to the right produces 25% left alignment.
Any amount of whitespace is permitted before or after each token, as long as it is on a single line.
Example usage:
This is right-aligned
This is centered
This is justified
This is left-aligned (undoes the above)
This has margins 3/4 left, 1/4 right
This has margins 1/6 left, 5/6 right.
(Try expanding this code preview using the bar on the left.)
You may apply alignment to specific hooks in your passages by attaching the (align:) macro to them.
Column markup
Column markup is, like aligner markup, a special single-line token which indicates that the subsequent text should be laid out in columns. They consist of a number of |
marks, indicating the size of the column relative to the other columns - the total width of all columns equals the page width, and this is divided among the columns by their |
marks. They also have a number of =
marks surrounding it, indicating the size of the column's margins in CSS "em" units (which are about the width of a capital M).
All text from the token onward, until the next token is encountered, is contained in the specified column. A |==|
token ends the set of columns and returns the page to normal.
Columns are laid out from left to right, in order of appearance.
Any amount of whitespace is permitted before or after each token, as long as it is on a single line.
Example usage:
(change:?passage, (text-size:0.6))
This is in the leftmost column, which has a right margin of about 2 letters wide.
This is in the next column, which has margins of 1 letter wide. It is three times as wide as the left column.
This is in the right column, which has a right margin of about 5 letters wide. It is twice as wide as the left column.
This text is not in columns, but takes up the entire width, as usual.
(Try expanding this code preview using the bar on the left.)
You can create nested columns by enclosing the inner set of columns in an unnamed hook, like so.
(change:?passage, (text-size:0.6))
This is the outer left column.
This is the outer right column.
This is the inner left column, inside the outer right column.
This is the inner right column, inside the outer right column.
Heading markup
Heading markup is used to create large headings, such as in structured prose or title splash passages.
It is almost the same as the Markdown heading syntax: it starts on a fresh line,
has one to six consecutive #
s, and ends at the line break.
Example usage:
#Level 1 heading renders as an enclosing `<h1>`
###Level 3 heading renders as an enclosing `<h3>`
######Level 6 heading renders as an enclosing `<h6>`
As you can see, unlike in Markdown, opening whitespace is permitted before the first #.
Horizontal rule markup
A hr (horizontal rule) is a thin horizontal line across the entire passage. In HTML, it is a <hr>
In Harlowe, it is an entire line consisting of 3 or more consecutive hyphens -
Example usage:
Again, opening whitespace is permitted prior to the first -
and after the final -
Whitespace markup
"Whitespace" is a term that refers to "space" characters that you use to separate programming code tokens, such as the spacebar space, and the tab character. When used inside the macro syntax, they are considered interchangeable in type and quantity - using two spaces usually has the same effect as using one space, one tab, and so forth.
Harlowe tries to also recognise most forms of Unicode-defined whitespace, including the quads, the per-em and per-en spaces, but not the zero-width space characters (as they may cause confusion and syntax errors if unnoticed in your code).
Collapsing whitespace markup
When working with macros, HTML tags and such, it's convenient for readability purposes to space and indent
the text. However, this whitespace will also appear in the compiled passage text. You can get around this by
placing the text between {
and }
marks. Inside, all runs of consecutive whitespace (line breaks, spaces)
will be reduced to just one space.
Example usage:
This sentence
will be
(set: $event to true)
written on one line
with only single spaces.
If you wish to still have line breaks within the markup that won't be collapsed, you can use HTML <br>
tags (see
the HTML markup section for more information about raw HTML tags).
You can nest this markup within itself - {Good { gumballs!}}
- but the inner pair won't behave any
differently as a result of being nested.
Text inside macro calls (in particular, text inside strings provided to macro) will not be collapsed.
Neither will text outputted by macro calls, either - {(print:"\n\n\n")}
will still print 3 newlines
(see the String article for the meaning of the \n escape code),
and {(display:"Attic")}
will still display all of the whitespace in the "Attic" passage.
Also, newlines inside the verbatim syntax will not be collapsed either.
Note that Harlowe's default CSS already collapses consecutive spaces in a single line, but not vertical whitespace (which is converted to <br>
If you change it, using the white-space
CSS property (such as by white-space:break-spaces
in your story stylesheet),
then the effects of this syntax in removing horizontal whitespace will become noticeable.
If the markup contains a (replace:) command attached to a hook, the hook will still have its whitespace collapsed, even if it is commanded to replace text outside of the markup.
You may apply this collapsing effect to specific hooks using the (collapse:) macro. In particular, if you wish for the entire passage's whitespace to collapse, consider using (change: ?passage) and (collapse:).
If you only want to remove specific line breaks, consider the escaped line break markup.
Unclosed collapsing whitespace markup
This is a special version of the collapsing whitespace markup - an open curly brace {
, followed by any number of =
marks, that has no matching
closing brace. When it is placed in a passage, it indicates that all the prose that follows, until the end of the hook
that contains it or the end of the passage, should have its whitespace collapsed.
As with the the unclosed hook markup, this has advantages in situations where keeping track of closing brackets would be slightly inconvenient.
If you use revision macros or enchantment macros like (change:), (replace:), (click:) and so forth, you can place those at the end of
your passage, and use a single {=
to separate them from the rest of the passage. Additionally, you can place a {=
at the start of your passage
to cause the entire passage's whitespace to be collapsed, allowing you to write additional prose without needing to have a closing brace after all of
your additions.
This part of the passage
has normal whitespace.
This part of the passage
has collapsed
All of the details pertaining to the collapsing markup apply here - consult its article for more information.
Escaped line break markup
Sometimes, you may want to write an especially long line, potentially containing many macros.
This may not be particularly readable in the passage editor, though. One piece of markup that
may help you is the \
mark - placing it just before a line break, or just after it, will cause the line break
to be removed from the passage, thus "joining together" the lines.
Example usage:
This line \
and this line
\ and this line, are actually just one line.
There must not be any whitespace between the \
and the line break. Otherwise, it won't work. (In the Twine editor, the \
will change
from yellow to gray, indicating it's no longer considered an escaped line break.)
Like most passage text markup, this cannot be used inside a macro call (for instance, (print: \
) - but since line breaks between values in macro calls are ignored, this doesn't matter.
List of macros
The (set: ) macro
(set: ...VariableToValue) → Instant
Stores data values in variables, optionally allowing you to permanently restrict the variable to a single datatype.
Example usage:
(set: $battlecry to "Save a " + $favouritefood + " for me!")
creates a variable called $battlecry containing a string.(set: _dist to $altitude - $enemyAltitude)
creates a temp variable called _dist.(set: num-type $funds to 0)
sets a variable and restricts its type to numbers, preventing non-numbers from ever being (set:) into it by accident.(set: const-type $robotText to (font:"Courier New"))
sets a variable and makes it so it can't ever be set to another value.(set: (p-either:"Ms.","Mr.","Mx.")-type $charTitle to "Mx.")
sets a variable that can only hold the strings "Mr.", "Ms." or "Mx.".
Variables are data storage for your game. You can store data values under special names of your choosing, and refer to them later.
There are two kinds of variables. Normal variables, whose names begin with $
, persist between passages,
and should be used to store data that will be needed throughout the entire game. Temp variables,
whose names begin with _
, only exist inside the hook or passage that they're first (set:), and
are forgotten after the hook or passage ends. You should use temp variables if you're writing passage
code that mustn't accidentally affect any other passages' variables (by using (set:) on a variable name
that someone else was using for something different). This can be essential in collaborative work
with other authors working on the same story independently, or when writing code to be used in multiple stories.
The following example demonstrates where temp variables are usable.
(set: _a to 1) <- This is usable everywhere in this passage.
(set: _b to 1) <-- This is only usable inside this hook.
(set: _a to it + 1) <-- This changes the outer _a variable.
(print: _a + _b) <-- You can refer to both _a or _b in this hook.
(print: _b) <-- This will cause an error.
Variables have many purposes: keeping track of what the player has accomplished, managing some other state of the story, storing hook styles and changers, and other such things. You can display variables by putting them in passage text, attach them to hooks, and create and change them using the (set:) and (put:) macros.
Even though named hooks' names are case-insensitive, variable names are case-sensitive. So, $Chips
and $chips
are considered
different variables.
In its basic form, a variable is created or changed using (set:
variable to
value )
You can also set multiple variables in a single (set:) by separating each VariableToValue
with commas: (set: $weapon to 'hands', $armour to 'naked')
, etc. Note: currently,
each value in a VariableToValue is evaluated before any of them are stored in their variables.
This means that, for instance, (set: $olives to 5)(set: $olives to 2, $grapes to $olives - 1)
in the second (set:) call, cause 2
and $olives - 1
to be evaluted to 2
and 5 - 1
(i.e. 4) before
being put in $olives and $grapes, respectively. This may change in a future version of Harlowe.
You can also use it
in expressions on the right-side of to
. Much as in other
expressions, it's a shorthand for what's on the left side: (set: $vases to it + 1)
is a shorthand for (set: $vases to $vases + 1)
Due to the variable syntax potentially conflicting with dollar values (such as $1.50) in your story text, variables cannot begin with a numeral.
Typed variables:
A common source of errors in a story is when a variable holding one type of data is mistakenly overridden
with a different type of data, such as when putting "1"
(the string "1") into a variable that should
hold numbers. A good way to guard against this is to make the variable a typed variable, which is permanently
restricted to a single datatype. The first time you set data to the variable, write (set: num-type $days to 1)
permanently restrict $days to numbers. That way, if you accidentally put "1"
into it, an error will appear
immediately, explaining the issue. Moreover, typed variables serve a code documentation purpose: they help
indicate and explain the purpose of a variable by showing what data is meant to be in it. You can use any
datatype before the -type
syntax - see the article about datatype data for more details.
In addition to just restricting a variable to a type, you may wish to specify that a variable should only hold one
value for the entire story - a style changer, for instance, or a datamap holding fixed values for a
procedural-generation algorithm. For these, you want to use the const
(short for "constant") datatype.
Using this, the variable is guaranteed to constantly hold that value for the entirety of the story (or, if it's
a temp variable, the passage or hook).
See also:
The (put: ) macro
(put: ...VariableToValue) → Instant
A left-to-right version of (set:) that requires the word into
rather than to
Example usage:
(put: "Save a " + $favouritefood + " for me!" into $battlecry)
creates a variable called $battlecry.(put: $altitude - $enemyAltitude into _dist)
creates a temp variable called _dist.(put: 0 into num-type $funds)
sets a variable and restricts its type to numbers, preventing non-numbers from ever being (put:) into it by accident.(put: (font:"Courier New") into const-type $robotText)
sets a variable and makes it so it can't ever be set to another value.
This macro has an identical purpose to (set:) - it creates and changes variables. For a basic explanation, see the rationale for (set:).
Almost every programming language has a (set:) construct, and most of these place the
variable on the left-hand-side. However, a minority, such as HyperTalk, place the variable
on the right. Harlowe allows both to be used, depending on personal preference. (set:) reads
as (set:
variable to
value )
, and (put:) reads as (put:
value into
variable )
Just as with (set:), a variable is changed using (put:
value into
variable )
. You can
also set multiple variables in a single (put:) by separating each VariableToValue
with commas: (put: 2 into $batteries, 4 into $bottles)
, etc.
You can also use typed variables with (put:) - (put: 1 into num-type $days)
restricts $days to numbers. Consult the article about (set:) for more information about
typed variables.
can also be used with (put:), but, interestingly, it's used on the right-hand side of
the expression: (put: $eggs + 2 into it)
See also:
The (move: ) macro
(move: ...VariableToValue) → Instant
A variant of (put:) that, if transferring data from a data structure, deletes the source value after copying it - in effect moving the value from the source to the destination.
Example usage:
(move: $arr's 1st into $var)
You'll often use data structures such as arrays or datamaps as storage for values that you'll only use once, such as a list of names to print out. When it comes time to use them, you can remove it from the structure and retrieve it in one go.
You must use the into
keyword, like (put:), with this macro. This is because, like (put:),
the destination of the value is on the right, whereas the source is on the left.
As with (set:) and (put:), you can also change multiple variables in a single (move:) by
separating each VariableToValue with commas: (move: $a's 1st into $b, $a's 2nd into $c)
, etc. Also,
unpacking syntax (described in detail in (unpack:)'s article) can be used with (move:) as well -
(move: $array into (a: $x, $y))
will cause only the first and second values of $array to be moved into $x and $y.
If the data value you're accessing cannot be removed - for instance, if it's an array's length
then an error will be produced.
This macro works very well with the random
data value of arrays: (move: $deck's random into $card)
will remove a random value from $deck and put it into $card. Thus, you can use arrays as random "decks"
of values that you can draw from and use once in your story.
Note that this will only delete the data from the source if the source is inside a data structure.
Moving from variable to variable, such as by (move:$p into $q)
, won't cause $p to be deleted.
Just as with (set:) or (put:), typed variables can also be used with the destination variable of (move:).
Writing (move: $enemies's 1st into dm-type $currentEnemy)
will move a datamap from $enemies's 1st and
put it into $currentEnemy, while also restricting $currentEnemy to datamap data for the rest of the story.
Note that if $enemies's 1st is not, in fact, a datamap, an error will result.
See also:
The (print: ) macro
(print: Any) → Command
This command prints out any data provided to it, as text.
Example usage:
(print: $var + "s")
It is capable of printing things which (str:) cannot convert to a string,
such as changers - but these will usually become bare descriptive
text like [A (font: ) command]
. You may find this useful for debugging purposes.
This command can be stored in a variable instead of being performed immediately. Notably, the expression to print is stored inside the command, instead of being re-evaluated when it is finally performed. So, a passage that contains:
(set: $name to "Dracula")
(set: $p to (print: "Count " + $name))
(set: $name to "Alucard")
will still result in the text Count Dracula
. This is not particularly useful
compared to just setting $p
to a string, but is available nonetheless.
Note that, once stored in a variable, a (print:) command is not a string. So, you
can't provide it to (upperfirst:) and other such macros. (upperfirst: (print: $name))
will produce an error. However, if $name contains a string, you can provide it to
(upperfirst:) before giving it to (print:), such as (print: (upperfirst: $name))
If you need this command to print strings without the markup in the string being rendered, you may use the (verbatim:) changer to change the command, or use the (verbatim-print:) variant instead.
See also:
(str:), (display:), (verbatim-print:)
The (display: ) macro
(display: String) → Command
This command writes out the contents of the passage with the given string name. If a passage of that name does not exist, this produces an error.
Example usage:
(display: "Cellar")
prints the contents of the passage named "Cellar".
Suppose you have a section of code or source that you need to include in several different passages. It could be a status display, or a few lines of descriptive text. Instead of manually copy-pasting it into each passage, consider placing it all by itself in another passage, and using (display:) to place it in every passage. This gives you a lot of flexibility: you can, for instance, change the code throughout the story by just editing the displayed passage.
Text-targeting macros (such as (replace:)) inside the
displayed passage will affect the text and hooks in the outer passage
that occur earlier than the (display:) command. For instance,
if passage A contains (replace:"Prince")[Frog]
, then another passage
containing Princes(display:'A')
will result in the text Frogs
Like all commands, this can be set into a variable. It's not particularly
useful in that state, but you can use that variable in place of that command,
such as writing $var
in place of (display: "Yggdrasil")
The (if: ) macro
(if: Boolean) → Changer
This macro accepts only booleans (variables with true
or false
, or expressions using is
, contains
, or another such operator),
and produces a changer that can be attached to hooks to hide them "if" the value was false.
Example usage:
(if: $legs is 8)[You're a spider!]
will show the You're a spider!
hook if $legs
is 8
Otherwise, it is not run.
In a story with multiple paths or threads, where certain events could occur or not occur, it's common to want to run a slightly modified version of a passage reflecting the current state of the world. The (if:), (unless:), (else-if:) and (else:) macros let these modifications be switched on or off depending on variables, comparisons or calculations of your choosing.
Note that the (if:) macro only runs once, when the passage or hook containing it is rendered. Any future change to the condition (such as a (link:) containing a (set:) that changes a variable) won't cause it to "re-run", and show/hide the hook anew.
However, if you attach (if:) to a named hook, and the (if:) hides the hook, you can manually reveal
the hook later in the passage (such as, after a (link:) has been clicked) by using the (show:) macro
to target the hook. Named hooks hidden with (if:) are thus equivalent to hidden named hooks like |this)[]
The (if:) and (hidden:) macros are not the only attachment that can hide or show hooks! In fact, a variable that contains a boolean can be used in its place. For example:
(set: $foundWand to true, $foundHat to true, $foundBeard to true)
(set: $isAWizard to $foundWand and $foundHat and $foundBeard)
$isAWizard[You wring out your beard with a quick twisting spell.]
You step into the ruined library.
$isAWizard[The familiar scent of stale parchment comforts you.]
By storing a boolean inside $isAWizard
, it can be used repeatedly throughout the story to
hide or show hooks as you please.
if you want to conditionally display very short strings, or small values inside a macro call, you may want to use the shorter (cond:) macro instead.
See also:
(unless:), (else-if:), (else:), (cond:), (show:)
The (unless: ) macro
(unless: Boolean) → Changer
This macro is the negated form of (if:): it accepts only booleans, and returns a changer that can be attached hooks to hide them "if" the value was true.
For more information, see the documentation of (if:).
Example usage:
(set: $form to "human")
(unless: $form is "duck")[The cold autumn rain chills your skin.]
The (else-if: ) macro
(else-if: Boolean) → Changer
This macro's result changes depending on whether the previous hook in the passage was shown or hidden. If the previous hook was shown, then this changer hides the attached hook. Otherwise, it acts like (if:), showing the attached hook if it's true, and hiding it if it's false. If there was no preceding hook before this, then an error message will be printed.
Example usage:
Your stomach makes {
(if: $size is 'giant')[
an intimidating rumble! You'll have to eat plenty of trees.
](else-if: $size is 'big')[
a loud growl. You're hungry for some shrubs.
](else: )[
a faint gurgle. You hope to scavenge some leaves.
If you use the (if:) macro, you may find you commonly use it in forked branches of source: places where only one of a set of hooks should be displayed. In order to make this so, you would have to phrase your (if:) expressions as "if A happened", "if A didn't happen and B happened", "if A and B didn't happen and C happened", and so forth, in that order.
The (else-if:) and (else:) macros are convenient variants of (if:) designed to make this easier: you can merely say "if A happened", "else, if B happened", "else, if C happened" in your code.
Just like the (if:) macro, (else-if:) only checks its condition once, when the passage or hook contaning it is rendered.
The (else-if:) and (else:) macros do not need to only be paired with (if:)! You can use (else-if:) and (else:) in conjunction with boolean variables, like so:
(set:$married to false, $date to false)
$married[You hope this warrior will someday find the sort of love you know.]
(else-if: not $date)[You hope this warrior isn't doing anything this Sunday (because \
you've got overtime on Saturday.)]
If you attach (else-if:) to a named hook, and the (else-if:) hides the hook, you can reveal the hook later in the passage by using the (show:) macro to target the hook.
if you want to conditionally display very short strings, or small values inside a macro call, you may want to use the shorter (cond:) macro instead.
See also:
(if:), (unless:), (else:), (cond:), (show:)
The (else: ) macro
(else: ) → Changer
This is a convenient limited variant of the (else-if:) macro. It will simply show the attached hook if the preceding hook was hidden, and hide it otherwise. If there was no preceding hook before this, then an error message will be printed.
Example usage:
The coins fall...
\(if: (either:false, false, false, true))
[and both land on tails! That means you've won the bet!]
\(else: )
[and one of them lands heads-up.]
After you've written a series of hooks guarded by (if:) and (else-if:), you'll often have one final
branch to show, when none of the above have been shown. (else:) is the "none of the above" variant
of (else-if:), which needs no boolean expression to be provided. It's essentially the same as
(else-if: true)
, but shorter and more readable.
For more information, see the documentation of (else-if:).
Just like the (if:) macro, (else:) only checks its condition once, when the passage or hook contaning it is rendered.
Due to a mysterious quirk, it's possible to use multiple (else:) macro calls in succession:
(set: $isUtterlyEvil to (either:true,false))
$isUtterlyEvil[You suddenly grip their ankles and spread your warm smile into a searing smirk.]
(else:)[In silence, you gently, reverently rub their soles.]
(else:)[Before they can react, you unleash a typhoon of tickles!]
(else:)[They sigh contentedly, filling your pious heart with joy.]
This usage can result in a somewhat puzzling passage source structure, where each (else:) hook alternates between visible and hidden depending on the first such hook. So, it is best avoided.
If you attach (else:) to a named hook, and the (else:) hides the hook, you can reveal the hook later in the passage by using the (show:) macro to target the hook.
See also:
(if:), (unless:), (else-if:), (cond:), (show:)
The (for: ) macro
(for: Lambda, [...Any]) → Changer
Also known as: (loop:)
When attached to a hook, this repeats the attached hook, setting a temporary variable to a different value on each repeat.
Example usage:
(for: each _item, ...$arr) [You have the _item.]
prints "You have the " and the item, for each item in $arr.(for: _ingredient where it contains "petal", ...$reagents) [Cook the _ingredient?]
prints "Cook the " and the string, for each string in $reagents which contains "petal".
Suppose you're using arrays to store strings representing inventory items, or character datamaps, or other kinds of sequential game information - or even just built-in arrays like (history:) - and you want to print out a sentence or paragraph for each item. The (for:) macro can be used to print something "for each" item in an array easily - simply write a hook using a temp variable where each item should be printed or used, then give (for:) an "each" lambda that uses the same temp variable.
If no extra values are given after the lambda (for instance, by using ...
with an empty array), then nothing will happen
and the attached hook will not be printed at all.
Don't make the mistake of believing you can alter an array by trying to (set:) the temp variable in each loop - such
as (for: each _a, ...$arr)[(set: _a to it + 1)]
. This will NOT change $arr - only the temp variable will change (and
only until the next loop, where another $arr value will be put into it). If you want to alter an array item-by-item, use
the (altered:) macro.
The temp variable inside the hook will shadow any other identically-named temp variables outside of it: if you
(set: _a to 1)
, then (for: each _a, 2,3)[ (print: _a) ]
, the inner hook will print "2" and "3", and you won't be
able to print or set the "outer" _a.
You may want to simply print several copies of a hook a certain number of times, without any particular
array data being looped over. You can use the (range:) macro with it instead: (for: each _i, ...(range:1,10))
, and
not use the temp variable inside the hook at all.
As it is a changer macro, (for:)'s value is a changer which can be stored in a variable - this command stores all of the values originally given to it, and won't reflect any changes to the values, or their container arrays, since then.
You may be tempted to use (for:) not to print anything at all, but to find values inside arrays using (if:), or form a "total" using (set:). The lambda macros (find:) and (folded:), while slightly less straightforward, are recommended to be used instead.
See also:
The (either: ) macro
(either: ...Any) → Any
Give this macro several values, separated by commas, and it will pick and return one of them randomly.
Example usage:
A (either: "slimy", "goopy", "slippery") puddle
will randomly be "A slimy puddle", "A goopy puddle" or "A slippery puddle".(go-to: (either: "Void 2", "Void 3", "Void 4"))
will send the player to one of three random passages.(text-colour:(either: red, yellow, green))
will create a (text-colour:) changer using one of the three colours.
There are plenty of occasions where you might want random elements in your story: a few random adjectives or flavour text lines to give repeated play-throughs variety, for instance, or a few random links for a "maze" area. For these cases, you'll probably want to simply select from a few possibilities. The (either:) macro provides this functionality.
This is one of the features that uses Harlowe's pseudo-random number generator. If you use (seed:) at the start of the story, the chosen value will be predetermined based on the seed string, and how many other random macros and features have been used before it.
As with many macros, you can use the spread ...
operator to place all of the values in an array or dataset
into (either:), and pick them randomly. (either: ...$array)
, for instance, will choose one possibility from
all of the array contents.
If you want to pick two or more values randomly, you may want to use the (shuffled:) macro, and extract a subarray from its result.
If you want to pick a value more reliably - for instance, to pick a value randomly, but keep using that same value in subsequent visits to the passage - you may want to store an (either:) result in a variable using (set:) in an earlier passage, and use that whenever you want to use the result.
See also:
(nth:), (random:), (shuffled:), (cond:)
The (cond: ) macro
(cond: Boolean, Any, ...Any) → Any
When given a sequence of booleans (the "conditions") paired with values, this provides the first value that was
paired with a true
condition. This can give you one value or another based on a quick check.
Example usage:
(set: $status to (cond: $cash >= 300, "stable", $cash >= 200, "lean", $cash >= 100, "skint", "broke"))
Your (cond: $wonTheRace, "gasps of triumph", "wheezes of defeat") drown out all other noise.
While the (if:), (else:) and (else-if:) macros allow blocks of passage prose to be conditionally displayed and code to be conditionally run, there are plenty of situations where you'd prefer to succinctly select values inside macro calls, or select from multiple values, without needing to write multiple (else-if:)s or (set:)s for each possibility. The (cond:) macro (short for "condition") offers such utility.
In situations where you would write something like this,
{(set:$lostTheSword to (either:true,false))
(if: not $lostTheSword)[
(set: $weapon to "a holy sword")
](else: )[
(set:$weapon to "an unholy swear-word")
you could instead simply write this.
(set:$lostTheSword to (either:true,false))(set: $weapon to (cond: not $lostTheSword, "a holy sword", "an unholy swear-word"))
This macro is intended to resemble the "cond" function in Lisp, as well as the "ternary" operator in numerous other programming languages (though it does not perform short-circuiting). It also might remind you of the values given to (dm:) - a piece of metadata, followed by its matching data - except that (dm:) ties names to data, whereas this ties conditions to data.
If only one value was given to (cond:), then that value will be returned as-is.
Except for the last, every odd value given to (cond:) must be a boolean, or an error will occur.
See also:
The (nth: ) macro
(nth: Number, ...Any) → Any
Given a positive whole number and a sequence of values, this selects the nth value in the sequence, where n is the number. If n is larger than the number of items in the sequence, the selection loops around to the start.
Example usage:
(nth: visit, "Hi!", "Hello again!", "Oh, it's you!", "Hey!")
will display a different salutation, in sequence, on the first, second, third and fourth visits, then return to "Hi!" on the fifth visit, and so on. This uses the "visits" identifier (also known as "visit").(nth: turn, "Full Moon", "Waning", "Halfmoon", "Crescent", "New Moon", "Crescent", "Halfmoon", "Waxing")
displays a different moon phase based on the current turn. This uses the "turns" identifier (also known as "turn"). This could be used in a "header" or "footer" tagged passage to display a moon phase in every passage.
This macro is designed to be used in passage prose, letting you quickly display one of a varying range of phrases or sentences based
on a certain value. In addition to being useful with story variables, it's useful with the visit
identifier, allowing you to
vary the text shown on each subsequent visit to a passage, with more consistent variation than if you were using (either:).
However, you can use (nth:) with any kind of value, not just strings. For instance, (text-colour: (nth: $wounds, white, yellow, red))
will produce a (text-colour:) changer that differs in colour based on the number in $wounds (up to 3).
You can, of course, access a specific value in a sequence using the (a:) macro and the 's
or of
syntax - (a: 1,2,3)'s ($n)
is functionally very similar to (nth: $n, 1, 2, 3)
, and other uses of the (nth:) macro. (nth:), however, allows the given value to
exceed the bounds of the sequence - (nth: 4, 1, 2, 3)
would produce 1, whereas (a: 1,2,3)'s 4th
would produce an error.
If you wish to use (nth:) to display very large blocks of prose, you may wish to simply put that prose in hooks, and use (if:) to selectively display
one, such as by writing (if: visits is 3)
If you don't want the "looping" to occur - if you want to only return the final value if the number exceeds the sequence - you can combine
this macro with (min:). (nth: (min: 3, visit), "", "", "")
You may be tempted to combine this macro with (shuffled:), as in (nth: visit, ...(shuffled: "A", "B", "C"))
- however, this will NOT
behave any differently from just using (either:) - each visit, the (shuffled:) macro will shuffle the sequence in a different way, so you
can't guarantee that different values will be shown.
See also:
The (verbatim: ) macro
(verbatim: ) → Changer
Also known as: (v6m:)
When attached to a hook or command, the markup inside that would normally be rendered into HTML is instead presented as plain text, as if the verbatim markup was used on it.
Example usage:
(v6m: )[ \(`A`)/ ]
prints a kaomoji without fear of its source being interpreted as markup.
Harlowe conveniently allows you to print strings containing markup and variables, such as "Your rank is ''$rank''"
, rendering
them as if they were written directly in the passage. However, there are many situations where you would prefer not to do so,
and where you can't conveniently wrap that content in the verbatim markup. Chief among these is player-inputted text: since
players can write valid Harlowe markup into (prompt:) and (input-box:) elements, displaying such text could cause no end of
disaster for your story. Additionally, since this text can also include unmatched verbatim markup, attempting to encase it
in verbatim markup is non-trivially difficult. This macro provides an easier way to guarantee that the markup, if present, is not
In addition, you may want to write a hook without having to worry about the task of placing its contents inside verbatim markup, or write a hook containing textual references to HTML or Harlowe code. Even if it turns out to be unnecessary, having this macro on hand can be reassuring.
This macro takes no values - each changer value it produces is the same.
If you would like to use this macro to simply print a variable's contents, the (verbatim-print:) macro may be more to your liking.
See also:
(collapse:), (verbatim-print:) (verbatim-source:)
The (verbatim-print: ) macro
(verbatim-print: Any) → Command
Also known as: (v6m-print:)
A convenient combination of (verbatim:) and (print:), this prints out any single argument given to it, as text, but without rendering the resulting text as markup.
Example usage:
(v6m-print: "<sarcasm>" + $quip + "</sarcasm>")
prints out the string"<sarcasm>"
, the string contents of$quip
, and the string"</sarcasm>"
, without interpreting that as HTML markup.(set: $name to (v6m-print: (prompt: "Enter your name:", "")))
prompts the player for their name, then stores a command that displays that name verbatim whenever it's printed.
In practice, this is functionally identical to a (verbatim:) changer attached to a (print:) command. However, one major difference is that this can be stored in a variable and used in passage prose by itself, without having to attach the changer each time. This scenario is especially useful when dealing with player-inputted text: rather than having to display it with two macros each time, you can simply save this command in a variable and use that variable.
As with (print:), once text is given to this command, there's no easy way to extract it from the command value
without using (source:). So, you can't provide it to (upperfirst:) and other such macros.
(upperfirst: (verbatim-print: $name))
will produce an error. Instead, convert the original string
using (upperfirst:) before giving it to (verbatim-print:).
If you have a string you need to print frequently, and you don't want to call (verbatim-print:) every time you need to print it,
you may wish to simply (set:) a (verbatim-print:) into a variable, like so: (set: $vbName to (verbatim-print:$name))
. Then, you can
put the command (set in that variable) into passage prose, and it will work as expected.
See also:
The (change: ) macro
(change: HookName or String, Changer or Lambda) → Command
Applies a changer (or a "via" lambda producing a changer) to every occurrence of a hook or string in a passage, once.
Example usage:
(change: "gold", (text-colour: yellow) + (text-style:'bold'))
makes all prior occurrences of "gold" in the text be bold and yellow.(change: ?passage's chars, via (text-color:(hsl: pos * 10, 1, 0.5)))
colours all of the characters in the passage in a rainbow pattern.
While changers allow you to style or transform certain hooks in a passage, it can be tedious and error-prone to attach them to every occurrence as you're writing your story, especially if the attached changers are complicated. You can simplify this by storing changers in short variables, and attaching just the variables, like so:
(set: _ghost to (text-style:'outline'))
Nevertheless, this can prove undesirable: you may want to not use the _ghost styling later in development, which would force you to remove the attached variables to avoid producing an error; you may want to only style a single word or phrase, and find it inconvenient to place it in a hook; you may simply not like dedicating variables to storing changers, or in placing (set:) macros at the start of your passage's prose.
Instead, you can give the hooks the name "ghost", and then (change:) them afterward like so:
(change: ?ghost, (text-style:'outline'))
This has a few advantages. As it ties the changer styling to a hook name rather than a variable, the (change:) can be removed later without causing errors. Placing the (change:) at the end of the passage can also make the passage's source more readable, the textual content being closer to the top.
The (change:) macro can target plain text instead of hooks, much like (click:) - simply provide a string instead of a hook name.
If a "via" lambda is supplied to (change:) instead of a changer, then that lambda is used to compute a changer dynamically, using the pos
to distinguish each hook that's enchanted. For instance, (change: "O", via (text-style:(cond: pos is an even, 'bold', 'none')))
changes only
even-numbered instances of the letter "O".
Like the (replace:), (append:) and (prepend:) macros, this macro does not affect text and hooks that appear after it, as it is an immediate command that only affects what has already been rendered. For an alternative version of this macro which does affect hooks and text after it, see (enchant:).
The built-in hook names, ?Page, ?Passage, ?Sidebar and ?Link, as well as their data names like chars
or lines
, can be targeted by this macro,
and can be styled on a per-passage basis this way.
Using (text-colour:) with this macro will let you change the colour of links inside the indicated hook, with one exception:
using (change:) to change the entire passage (via ?passage
or ?page
) with (text-colour:) will NOT affect links. This is to allow you
to re-style the entire story without having to lose the distinct colour of links compared to passage text. You can change the colour of all links using
an explicit (change: ?link, (text-colour: $color))
or by using (link-style: (text-colour: $color))[=
(that is, with unclosed hook markup).
You can't use this macro to change the appearance or behaviour of a completely empty hook, such as |A>[]
. Completely empty hooks (that haven't had text inserted
by (replace-with:) and the like) are always hidden by Harlowe.
You can use (change:) with (transition:) to add transitions to hooks or text elsewhere in the same passage – however, if the (change:) macro is
run after the passage was initially rendered, the transitions will begin animating in the middle of their usual animations, or, if enough time
has passed, won't run at all. For example, (event: when time > 2s)[(change:"Riddles", (t8n:"Shudder")+(t8n-time:3s))]
apply a 3-second transition to each instance of the word "Riddles" in the passage, but since 2 seconds have already passed since those words were
rendered, only the last 1 second of the transition will be visible.
You cannot use (change:) with (link:), (replace:), or any of its relatives – because the enchanted hook or text is already in the passage, the link can't appear and it can't replace anything.
See also:
(enchant:), (enchant-in:), (replace:)
The (enchant: ) macro
(enchant: HookName or String, Changer or Lambda) → Command
Applies a changer (or a "via" lambda producing a changer) to every occurrence of a hook or string in a passage, and continues applying that changer to any further occurrences that are made to appear in the same passage later.
Example usage:
(enchant: "gold", (text-colour: yellow) + (text-style:'bold'))
makes all occurrences of "gold" in the text be bold and yellow.(enchant: ?passage's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
causes the passage's characters to "type out" when the player first visits, such as in a visual novel or other such computer game. Unlike (change:), this works well with instances of(click:?page)[==
later in the passage.
This is a special version of (change:) which doesn't just perform a single transformation of a set of hooks or text - rather, like (click:), it creates an ongoing effect that constantly checks and reapplies the changers whenever new hooks or text are inserted into the passage, persisting until you navigate to another passage. Consider the following:
(enchant: ?ghost, (text-style:'outline'))
If this were a (change:) command, the second hook revealed by the (link:) wouldn't be affected, as it is inserted into the passage after it's finished rendering. The (enchant:) macro allows you to guarantee that every hook or bit of text that you want the changer to affect is constantly affected.
The (enchant:) macro takes the same values as (change:) - a string can be given instead of a hook name, and a lambda can be given instead of a changer. See (change:)'s article for more details about these.
This macro works well in "header" or "footer" tagged passages - using a lot of (enchant:) commands to style certain words or parts of every passage, you can essentially write a "styling language" for your story, where certain hook names "mean" certain colours or behaviour. (This is loosely comparable to using CSS to style HTML class names, but exclusively uses macros.)
When targeting ?Page, ?Passage and ?Sidebar, there is generally no difference between using (enchant:) and using (change:), as there (usually) aren't any other hooks with those names in the passage.
Like (change:), you cannot use (enchant:) with (link:), (replace:), or any of its relatives.
The enchantment created by this macro cannot change the appearance or behaviour of a completely empty hook, such as |A>[]
However, once a hook stops being empty (such as when the (append:) macro appends to it), the
enchantment created by this macro will automatically start applying to it.
See also:
(click:), (change:), (enchant-in:)
The (enchant-in: ) macro
(enchant-in: HookName or String, Changer or Lambda) → Changer
A variation of (enchant:) and (change:), this applies a changer to every occurrence of a hook or string within just the attached hook, rather than the whole passage. As with (enchant:), the changer will be applied to every additional occurrence inserted into the attached hook.
Example usage:
(enchant:?frog, (text-style:"italic"))
"Opening remarks?"
|frog>["Crok, crok, crok."]
(enchant-in: ?frog, (text-colour:green))
["Your response?"
|frog>["Croak, croak."]
"A stunning rebuke!"
While (change:) and (enchant:) both allow hooks to have changers or styles applied to them, these macros produce commands that must be placed in the passage, and which
affect every match within the passage. It can sometimes be convenient to restrict the effect of (enchant:) to just matches within a single area of prose, especially when matching
using strings, the ?Link
hook name, or ?Page's chars
. Thus, you can use (enchant-in:), attaching it to a hook that encloses the area you want it to affect. The enchantment it
produces will be treated as though it didn't exist outside of the attached hook.
You can use built-in hook data names such as lines
and chars
with this macro, such as by (enchant-in: ?page's lines, $changer)
, which will style all of the lines in the attached
hook with $changer. However, this construction appears counterintuitive when written out - the HookName selects all of the lines in the page, but only those within the attached hook are
styled. So, more readable shorthand macros exist for both of these - (line-style:) and (char-style:) - which you ought to use instead.
This macro takes the same values as (enchant:) and (change:), and will produce the same errors for the same values. So, (link:), (replace:), or any of its relatives cannot be given as the second value, and neither can a lambda that doesn't produce a changer.
Note that this macro can only affect explicit hooks or string occurrences, and can't affect just "part" of a target. For instance, (enchant-in: ?page, (background:red))[DANGER]
will NOT turn
the background of the attached hook red, but (enchant-in: ?page's lines, (background:red))[DANGER]
will (because the text "DANGER" is a line of text, and is thus targeted by ?page's lines
This enchantment will be listed in the "Enchantments" tab of the Debug Mode panel when it's active, alongside enchantments created by (enchant:).
Due to Harlowe engine limitations, this currently does NOT work when created by a lambda given to (enchant:)
or (change:)
, such as in (enchant: ?passage, via (enchant-in:?frogs,(bg:(hsl:pos*30,0.5,1))))
See also:
(enchant:), (change:), (link-style:)
The (hooks-named: ) macro
(hooks-named: String) → HookName
When given a string, this creates a HookName from it. This can be used to dynamically create HookNames.
Example usage:
|oracle)["I scry with sticks, not bones."]|mage)["No teeth in the jawbones?"]|bodyguard)["Don't sift through rot."]
(set: $companionType to "bodyguard")
(link:"Investigate the bones")[(show:(hooks-named:$companionType))]
The standard syntax for referring to hooks, in macros such as (replace:), (change:) or (show:), is to write a HookName, such as ?door
. That syntax,
though, requires that you hard-code the name of the hook. This macro lets you construct a HookName from one or more existing strings or other variables,
so that the exact hook referenced depends on the game state.
This macro is called (hooks-named:) to avoid confusion with (hook:), and also to convey that a HookName will refer to any number of hooks as long as they have the same name.
Note that the HookNames produced by this macro have the same functionality as other HookNames. In particular, you can specify the 1st
hook, 2ndlast
and so forth
by writing, for instance, (hooks-named: "A")'s 2ndlast
. Also note that the built-in HookNames can be constructed with this macro - (hooks-named:"passage")
the same as ?passage
If an empty string is given, then this will cause an error.
See also:
The (border: ) macro
(border: String, [String], [String], [String]) → Changer
Also known as: (b4r:)
A changer macro that applies a CSS border to the hook.
Example usage:
(b4r:"dotted")[I love you!
I want to be your wife!]
The border macros accept up to four values. These values refer to sides of a rectangle, going clockwise from the top: the first value is the top edge (12 o'clock), second is the right edge (3 o'clock), third is the bottom edge (6 o'clock), fourth is the left edge (9 o'clock). You can stop giving values anywhere. If an edge doesn't have a value, then it will use whatever the opposite edge's value is.
(border: "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "double")
provides all four sides.(border: "solid", "dotted", "dashed")
stops at the bottom edge, so the left edge will use "dotted", to match the right edge.(border: "solid", "dotted")
stops at the right edge, so the bottom edge will use "solid", to match the top edge, and the left edge will use "dotted", to match the right edge.(border: "solid")
causes all of the edges to use "solid".
This macro affects the style of the border, and accepts the following border names.
String | Example |
"none" | Example text |
"solid" | Example text |
"dotted" | Example text |
"dashed" | Example text |
"double" | Example text |
"groove" | Example text |
"ridge" | Example text |
"inset" | Example text |
"outset" | Example text |
The "none" type can be used to remove a border that another changer may have included. NOTE: As of Harlowe 3.2.2,
this can only be used to remove borders from combined changers, such as by (set: $changer to it + (b4r:"none"))
and can't be used to remove borders from already-changed hooks or other structures.
The default size of the border, with no other CSS changes to any elements, is 2px (2 pixels), unless a change is applied using (border-size:).
Due to browser CSS limitations, the border will force the hook to become a single rectangular area. The hook can no longer word-wrap, and moreover occupies every line in which its text is contained. So, this changer is best suited for entire paragraphs of text (or hooks using the (box:) changer) rather than single words or phrases.
See also:
(border-size:), (border-colour:), (corner-radius:)
The (border-colour: ) macro
(border-colour: String or Colour, [String or Colour], [String or Colour], [String or Colour]) → Changer
Also known as: (b4r-colour:), (border-color:), (b4r-color:)
When applied to a hook being changed by the (border:) changer, this changes the border's colour.
Example usage:
(b4r-color:magenta)+(b4r:"ridge")[LEVEL 01: DREAM WORLD]
(b4r-color:red,yellow,green,blue)+(b4r:"dotted")[Isn't it a lovely time?]
The border macros accept up to four values. These values refer to sides of a rectangle, going clockwise from the top: the first value is the top edge (12 o'clock), second is the right edge (3 o'clock), third is the bottom edge (6 o'clock), fourth is the left edge (9 o'clock). You can stop giving values anywhere. If an edge doesn't have a value, then it will use whatever the opposite edge's value is (or the top value if it's the only one).
Much like (text-colour:), this accepts either a Colour (such as those produced by (hsl:) or (rgb:), or plain literals
like #fff
), or a CSS colour string.
Certain (border:) styles, namely "ridge", "groove", "inset" and "outset", will modify the colour, darkening it for certain parts of the border to produce their namesake appearance.
Selecting "transparent"
as the colour will cause the border to "disappear", but also cause the space surrounding
the hook to remain.
See also:
The (border-size: ) macro
(border-size: Number, [Number], [Number], [Number]) → Changer
Also known as: (b4r-size:)
When applied to a hook being changed by the (border:) changer, this multiplies the size of the border by a given amount.
Example usage:
(b4r:"solid")+(b4r-size:4)[Do not read anything outside of this box.]
The border macros accept up to four values. These values refer to sides of a rectangle, going clockwise from the top: the first value is the top edge (12 o'clock), second is the right edge (3 o'clock), third is the bottom edge (6 o'clock), fourth is the left edge (9 o'clock). You can stop giving values anywhere. If an edge doesn't have a value, then it will use whatever the opposite edge's value is (or the top value if it's the only one).
The default size of borders added using (border:) is 2px (2 pixels). The number given is a number of CSS pixels to set the new size to. Since CSS pixels don't exactly correspond to display pixels (such as, for instance, if the browser window is zoomed in) then it's possible to have a non-whole number of CSS pixels (such as 1.5, which would, if the browser window was zoomed in to 200%, become 3 display pixels). Thus, this macro accepts numbers with fractional values. That being said, if a number lower than 0 is given, an error will be produced.
See also:
(border:), (corner-radius:), (text-size:)
The (corner-radius: ) macro
(corner-radius: Number, [Number], [Number], [Number]) → Changer
When applied to a hook, this rounds the corners by the given number of pixels, causing the hook to become increasingly round or button-like.
Example usage:
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:8)[Hasn't this gone on too long?]
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:12)[Shouldn't you tell them the truth?]
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:16)[//That you're not really who you say you are??//]
The border macros accept up to four values. These values refer to corners of a rectangle, going clockwise from the top: the first value is the top-left corner (10 o'clock), second is the top-right corner (2 o'clock), third is the bottom-right corner (4 o'clock), fourth is the bottom-left corner (8 o'clock). You can stop giving values anywhere. If a corner doesn't have a value, then it will use whatever the opposite corner's value is (or the top-left value if it's the only one).
Obviously, unless the hook has a (bg:) or a (border:), the rounded corners will not be visible, and this changer will have no real effect.
If the hook has a (border:), values greater than the border's (border-width:) (which is 2 if it wasn't changed) will cause the interior of the element to become constrained by the curvature of the corners, as the rectangle's corners get cut off. Because of this, this macro also adds interior padding (distance between the border and the contained text) equal to each of the passed-in numbers, unless another changer (such as (css:)) provided a different padding value.
See also:
(border:), (bg:), (border-size:)
The (hsl: ) macro
(hsl: Number, Number, Number, [Number]) → Colour
Also known as: (hsla:)
This macro creates a colour using the given hue (h) angle in degrees, as well as the given saturation (s) and lightness (l) percentages, and, optionally, the transparency (alpha, or a) percentage, which is a fractional value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully visible).
Anything drawn with a partially transparent colour will itself be partially transparent. You can then layer such elements to produce a few interesting visual effects.
Example usage:
(hsl: 120, 0.8, 0.5)
produces. (hsl: 28, 1, 0.4)'s h
produces the number 28.(hsl: 120, 0.5, 0.8, 0.6)
produces(a 40% transparent green).
The HSL colour model is regarded as easier to work with than the RGB model used for HTML hexadecimal notation and the (rgb:) macro. Being able to set the hue with one number instead of three, for instance, lets you control the hue using a single variable, and alter it at will.
This macro takes the same range of numbers as the CSS hsla()
Giving saturation or lightness values higher than 1 or lower than 0 will cause an error. However,
you can give any kind of hue number to (hsl:), and it will automatically round it to fit the 0-359
degree range - so, a value of 380 will become 20. This allows you to cycle through hues easily by
providing a steadily increasing variable or a counter, such as (hsl: time / 100, 1, 0.5)
Giving alpha percentages higher than 1 or lower than 0 will cause an error.
See also:
The (rgb: ) macro
(rgb: Number, Number, Number, [Number]) → Colour
Also known as: (rgba:)
This macro creates a colour using the three red (r), green (g) and blue (b) values provided, whose values are numbers between 0 and 255, and, optionally, the transparency (alpha, or a) percentage, which is a fractional value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully visible).
Anything drawn with a partially transparent colour will itself be partially transparent. You can then layer such elements to produce a few interesting visual effects.
Example usage:
(rgb: 255, 0, 47)
produces. (rgb: 90, 0, 0)'s r
produces the number 90.(rgb: 178, 229, 178, 0.6)
produces(a 40% transparent green).
The RGB additive colour model is commonly used for defining colours: the HTML hexadecimal notation for colours (such as #9263AA) simply consists of three hexadecimal values placed together. This macro allows you to create such colours computationally, by providing variables for certain components.
This macro takes the same range of numbers as the CSS rgb()
Giving values higher than 255 or lower than 0 will cause an error. Former versions of Harlowe did not allow fractional values to be given, but that restriction is no longer present.
Giving alpha percentages higher than 1 or lower than 0 will cause an error.
See also:
The (lch: ) macro
(lch: Number, Number, Number, [Number]) → Colour
Also known as: (lcha:)
This macro creates a colour using three values in the CIELAB colour model - a lightness (l) percentage, a chroma (c) value, and a hue (h) angle in degrees, and, optionally, the transparency (alpha, or a) percentage, which is a fractional value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully visible).
Anything drawn with a partially transparent colour will itself be partially transparent. You can then layer such elements to produce a few interesting visual effects.
Example usage:
(lch: 0.6, 80, 10)
produces. (lch: 0.6, 80, 10)'s lch's c
produces the number 80.(lch: 0.9, 15, 142, 0.6)
produces(a 40% transparent green).
The CIELAB colour model is considered to be more universally useful than the RGB model and its HSL representation,
whose treatment of "lightness" doesn't properly reflect the actual perceived luminosity of the colours
in question. For instance, this colour (hsl:120,1,0.5)
) and this colour (hsl:220,1,0.5)
) have the same HSL lightness (0.5), but one appears to the human eye to be less
bright than the other, due to one hue being less luminous than the other.
The lightness in LCH more closely corresponds to how the human eye perceives luminosity - (lch:0.9,80,120)
produces (lch:0.9,80,220)
Additionally, CIELAB's colour model replaces the "saturation" value of HSL with "chroma". Rather than being a single percentage from 0 to 1, LCH's chroma is a value whose upper bound varies with the colour's hue, reflecting how the human eye distinguishes some hues more accurately than others.
Despite all of the above, any colour produced by this macro will have to be internally converted back to HSL in order to be used, due to HTML and CSS not fully supporting LCH as of 2020. As such, colours produced by this macro are constrained by HSL's limits - as LCH accepts a greater variety of chroma and lightness combinations than what HSL can represent, the output colour will be automatically converted to the nearest valid HSL values, if necessary.
Giving lightness or alpha values less than 0 and greater than 1 will cause an error. Giving chroma values less than 0
and greater than 132 will cause an error. However, you can give any kind of hue number to (lch:), and it will automatically
round it to fit the 0-359 degree range - so, a value of 380 will become 20. This allows you to cycle through hues easily by
providing a steadily increasing variable or a counter, such as (lch: 0.9, 80, time / 100)
See also:
(hsl:), (rgb:), (gradient:), (complement:), (mix:)
The (complement: ) macro
(complement: Colour) → Colour
When given a colour, this provides a complement to that colour.
Example usage:
This is a very simple macro - the returned colour is the same as the input colour, except that its LCH hue (as given to the (lch:) macro) has been rotated by 180 degrees, producing a colour with equivalent chroma and luminosity, but an opposite hue.
Note that, unlike (text-colour:), this will not take a string containing a CSS colour. This is because it operates purely on Harlowe colour data, and doesn't have a means of converting CSS colours into colour data.
See also:
The (palette: ) macro
(palette: String, Colour) → Array
When given a string specifying a palette type, and a colour, this macro produces an array containing the given colour followed by three additional colours that together form a palette, for use with (text-colour:), (bg:), and other macros.
Example usage:
{(unpack: (palette: "mono", orange + black) into (a:_bg, _c, _lc, _hc))
(enchant: ?page, (background: _bg) + (text-colour:_c))
(enchant: ?link, (text-colour:_lc) + (hover-style: (text-colour:_hc)))}
This passage uses (link:"(more)")[a brown palette.]
Intended for game jams and rapid prototyping, (palette:) provides a quick and simple palette for stories and passages. When you aren't too fussed with making your story look significantly different from the Harlowe default, but just want a certain colour scheme to provide a certain mood, or colour a specific passage differently to offset it from the rest of the story, you can defer the task of choosing text or background colours to this macro. It will choose colours which contrast with the given colour to attempt to maximise readability, while still having an interesting relationship with the given colour's hue.
The following type strings are accepted.
String | Explanation |
"mono" | The returned colours are tints and shades of the given colour. |
"adjacent" | The returned colours' hues are 30° to the left, 30° to the right, and 60° to the right of the given colour's hue. |
"triad" | The returned colours' hues are 140° to the left, 140° to the right, and 180° to the right of the given colour's hue. |
This macro interprets the passed-in colour as a background colour, and the three colours it provides are intended as text colours - but you can easily use them for other purposes. The given colour could be used as a text colour, and any of the received colours could be used as different backgrounds.
The three returned colours all have a luminosity chosen to provide sufficient contrast with the given colour's luminosity. If the given colour's luminosity is very low or very high (near 0 or 1) then the returned colours will have a luminosity near the other extremity.
The (gradient: ) macro
(gradient: Number, ...Number, Colour) → Gradient
When given a degree angle, followed by any number of number-colour pairs called "colour stops", this macro produces a gradient that fades between those colours in the direction of the angle.
Example usage:
(set: $desertChrome to (gradient: 0, 0, #e6a860, 0.49, black, 0.5, white, 1, blue))
(background: $desertChrome)+(text-color:white)[Sunshine Desert]
The above example produces Sunshine Desert
An easy way to add a subtle sense of depth, texture, direction or variety to elements in Harlowe, without having to create and import background images from outside of Twine, is to use this macro to generate a gradient, a dynamically-generated background which can be used with (background:).
A gradient consists of a series of flat colours. One of those colours will be used on one side of the element, one on the other, and the space in between will smoothly fade between them. You can supply additional colours that the gradient will smoothly fade to in between the start and end colours, too.
To specify where exactly these intermediate colour fades will occur on the element, the colours are paired with a percentage number - 0 being one side of the element, 1 being the other, 0.5 being exactly in-between. This pairing is called a "colour stop".
Consider this (gradient:) call, with six colour stops.
(gradient:90, 0,#bf3f3f, 0.2,#a5bf3f, 0.4,#3fbf72, 0.6,#3f72bf, 0.8,#a53fbf, 1,#bf3f3f)
The six colour stops are 0,#bf3f3f
and 1,#bf3f3f
This corresponds to the following gradient, which for documentation purposes has its colour stops marked.
Any angle can be given to (gradient:), including diagonal values like 40 or 66.
An error will be produced if you give colour-stop percentages that aren't between 0 and 1, or give less than 2 colour-stops. However, any number of degrees given to (gradient:), even below 0 or above 359, will automatically be rounded to fit the 0-359 degree range - so, a value of 380 will become 20.
You do not necessarily need to supply colour-stops at positions 0 and 1 - instead, the nearest colour-stop to those positions will be extended to the edge of the gradient. Furthermore, you don't need to supply colour-stops in ascending order - they will be reordered by Harlowe if they are not.
Gradients in Harlowe are implemented using CSS linear-gradient
s, and have the same limitations in output and browser support.
Note, however, that the order of values for a colour stop is reversed from that of the CSS syntax (numbers go first, then colours).
This is to help ensure that the initial degree number is not confused for a colour-stop percentage. Additionally, CSS
linear-gradient "colour hints", which are used to adjust the midpoints between colour stops, are currently not supported by this macro.
See also:
The (stripes: ) macro
(stripes: Number, Number, Colour, Colour) → Gradient
When given a degree angle, a pixel distance, and two or more colours, this macro produces a gradient that draws a striped background, with each stripe as wide as the distance, and alternating through the given colours.
Example usage:
(enchant: ?page, (background: (stripes: 45, 20, fuchsia+white, white)))
causes the page to have a pink-and-white striped background.
The (gradient:) macro can be used to dynamically create gradient backgrounds, which smoothly transition between multiple colours. By using certain pairs of colour stops that are very close together, however, you can create gradients where the colours transition sharply, producing stripes. Rather than use that macro, you can instead use this one to generate striped backgrounds succinctly, that repeat uniformly, and with easily-adjusted stripe width.
The degree angle matches that given to (gradient:). A number of 0 causes the stripes to be drawn horizontally, and increasing that number rotates the stripes counter-clockwise. Any number below 0 or above 359 will automatically be rounded to fit the 0-359 degree range - so, a value of 380 will become 20.
The distance value given is in pixels, and determines the width of a single stripe.
Gradients (including those produced by (stripes:)) in Harlowe are implemented using CSS repeating-linear-gradient
s, and have the same limitations
in output and browser support.
(stripes:) gradients still have a "stops" array, accessible via $stripeGradient's stops
, as with other gradients. Even though (stripes:) doesn't accept
"colour stops", this array still contains colour stop datamaps, as if this gradient had been generated by (gradient:).
There are two "stops" for each colour, and instead of a "percent" value, they have a "pixels" value. So, $stripeGradient's stops's 1st's colour
produce the colour of the first stripe, $stripeGradient's stops's 3rd's colour
will produce the colour of the second stripe, and so forth.
$stripeGradient's stops's 2nd's pixels
will produce the pixel width of each stripe.
See also:
The (mix: ) macro
(mix: Number, Colour, Number, Colour) → Colour
When given two pairs of values - each a number from 0 to 1 and a colour - this macro produces a mix of the two colours, using the numbers as ratios of each colour. The colours are mixed using the LCH colourspace, used by the (lch:) macro.
Example usage:
(mix: 0.5, red, 0.5, blue)
produces. This is a rosy fuchsia, whereas red + blue
produces, a grayer fuchsia. (mix: 0.5, white, 0.5, #00f)
produces. The slight shift towards purple is a known weakness of the LCH colourspace. (mix: 0.4, red, 0.1, white)
produces, a 50% transparent light red. Because the numbers only added up to 0.5, the result was 50% transparent (see below).
While you can mix colours in Harlowe using the + operator, such as by red + yellow
, this operation doesn't easily
allow for different mix ratios, such as a one-quarter/three-quarters mix, instead mixing both colours equally.
In addition, in Harlowe 3, this uses the sRGB mixing method, which doesn't produce the most perceptually ideal colours, often making them
darker or grayer than expected. This macro provides a more sophisticated alternative, allowing ratios for each colour to be specified, and using the LCH colour
space to mix the colours, which tends to preserve chromaticity (colourfulness) better.
The colours are mixed in the LCH colourspace. What this means is: the colours are converted to their LCH datamaps (accessible as $colour's lch
), and then
(omitting a few minor details) their hue, lightness and chroma values are averaged. Then, the averaged values are used to construct a new colour, as if by the
(lch:) macro.
The two numbers (the ratios) are decimal values from 0 to 1. Numbers above or below will produce an error when given.
If the two ratios do not add up to 1, then they will be scaled to compensate. For instance, for (lch: 0.1, green, 0.3, blue)
, the 0.1 and 0.3 add up to 0.4,
but they should add up to 1, so they are scaled up to 0.25 and 0.75, respectively.
Additionally, if the two ratios add up to less than 1, then the difference will be converted into additional transparency, which is used to multiply
the mixed colour's alpha. For instance, for (lch: 0.15, red, 0.45, blue)
, the ratios 0.15 and 0.45 add up to only 0.6, which is 0.4 less than 1.
So, the mixed colour's alpha (of 1) is multiplied by 0.6 (and thus made 40% more transparent than it would've been otherwise).
See also:
The (macro: ) macro
(macro: [...TypedVar], CodeHook) → CustomMacro
Use this macro to construct your own custom macros, which you can (set:) into variables and call as easily as a built-in macro.
Example usage:
The following custom macro creates a command that displays a randomly rotated hook in red, with the given opacity.
(set:$ghostlyLaughter to (macro: num-type _o, [
(output: )+(text-rotate:(random:0,360))+(text-colour:(hsla:0, 1, 0.5, _o))[HE HE HE]
($ghostlyLaughter:0.9) ($ghostlyLaughter:0.5) ($ghostlyLaughter:0.3)
The following custom macro creates a text string based on how many turns the player has taken. It takes no data.
(set: $fancyTimeName to (macro: [
(set: _timeOfDay to turns % 24 + 1)
(output-data: (a:
"midnight", "dreamshour", "wolfshour", "dark's end", "lightbreak", "afterdawn", "early rise", "awakening",
"early warming", "joyshour", "first lunch", "shadow's end", "zenith", "shadow's birth", "second lunch", "hopeshour", "early cooling",
"lightfade", "sundown", "dark's birth", "supper", "early rest", "slumbering", "catshour"
)'s (_timeOfDay))
It is now ($fancyTimeName:).
The following custom macro takes a datamap containing a character's attributes, and prints a line of text describing a character.
(set: $charSheet to (dm: "name", str, "HP", num, "poison", num, "heartbreak", bool))
(set: $healthSummary to (macro: $charSheet-type _stats, [
This text inside the macro is not displayed during the game.
(set: _TheyAre to _stats's name + " is ")
Dead characters get a single, pithy line.
(if: _stats's HP <= 0)[(output: _TheyAre + "deceased.")]
Living characters get specific status conditions referred to.
_TheyAre + "in " + (cond: _stats's HP > 50, "fair", "poor") + " health." +
(cond: _stats's poison > 0, " " + _TheyAre + "poisoned.", "") +
(cond: _stats's heartbreak, " " + _TheyAre + "heartbroken.", "")
(set: $steelyStats to (dm: "name", "Steely", "HP", 80, "poison", 0, "heartbreak", true))
($healthSummary: $steelyStats)
This macro provides you with the means to expand Harlowe's collection of built-in macros with custom utilities tailored specifically for your story. While many Twine projects are simple hypertext stories, there are many that use it to make more complicated simulations, role-playing games, generative art, and so on. Being able to craft a personal language of macros in which to write the many algorithms and textual structures such games involve is essential to keeping your code succinct and readable.
Writing the parameters:
Custom macros consist of two structures: a set of data inputs (called parameters), and a body of code that creates the output.
Each parameter consists of a datatype or pattern of data, the "-type" suffix, and a temp variable, just like typed temp variables created with (set:).
When you, the author, call the macro and give data at that parameter's position, it is put into the temp variable if it fits the datatype.
A macro stored in $treasure with str-type _name, num-type price
can be called by ($treasure: "Gold Watch", 155)
The types are checked, and if they don't match (for instance, by incorrectly writing ($treasure: 155, "Gold Watch")
then an error will result. This ensures that incorrectly written custom macro calls are caught early, just like with built-in macros.
As with TypedVars used in other places, you can use a complex data structure as the "type" of the variable - (a: num, num)-type _coords
specifies a parameter that requires an array of two numbers. If you wish to write a very general value-selection or data-structure macro,
such as (a:)
or (either:)
, that can take any kind of data value, you can write any-type
for that parameter. However, using any-type
not recommended unless you genuinely need it, as you miss out on the ability to catch wrong-type errors.
You might, on occasion, want to make a macro that can take an arbitrary amount of values, similar to certain built-in macros like (a:)
, and so forth. To do this, you can place the spread ...
syntax in front of a parameter's datatype. Just as a spread datatype
matches zero or more values when it is used with the matches
operator, a spread parameter represents zero or more values of the same data type
that you give to a macro call. Think of this as the opposite counterpart of the spread ...
syntax in macro calls. Instead of turning one value
(such as an array) into many spread-out values, this turns many values into a single array value. A custom macro stored in $mean with ...num-type _n
can be called
with ($mean:1,4,5,6)
, which sets _n to (a:1,4,5,6)
. ($mean:2,3)
sets _n to (a:2,3)
, and ($mean:)
sets _n to (a:)
. Note that
because it takes every value at or after it, it must be the final parameter of your custom macro.
(set: $mean to (macro: ...num-type _a, [
(output-data:(folded: _num making _total via _total + _num, ..._a) / _a's length)
One's 7 foot 4, one's 4 foot 7. Add 'em up and divide by two, ya get a regular ($mean:7 + 4/12, 4 + 7/12)-foot person.
Writing the code:
The CodeHook, conversely, is where the code of your custom macro is written. You can (set:) temp variables in it, use (if:), (for:), (cond:), and so forth to run different sections of code, and finally output something using either (output:) or (output-data:). (Consult each of those macros' articles to learn the exact means of using them, and their differences.) The temp variables specified by the aforementioned typed variables are automatically set with the passed-in data.
Custom macros can be called like any other macro, by using the variable instead of a name: ($someCustomMacro:)
is how you would
call a custom macro stored in the variable $someCustomMacro, and (_anotherCustomMacro:)
is how you would
call a custom macro stored in the temp variable _anotherCustomMacro.
If you want to use a custom macro throughout your story, the best place to create it is in a "startup" tagged passage. This will aid in testing your story, as those passages' contents are always run first, regardless of the starting passage.
Normally, players can't see inside code hooks, but if an error occurs inside a custom macro, the error message will have an "Open" button allowing the code hook's interior to be viewed. You can take advantage of this by adding (print:) commands inside the code hook, showing you what certain variables contain at certain places in the hook.
You can, of course, have zero parameters, for a macro that needs no input values, and simply outputs a complicated (or randomised) value by itself.
Currently, (macro:) code hooks do NOT have access to temp variables created outside of the (macro:) call. (set: _name to "Fox")(set:_aCustomMacro to (macro:[(output-data:_name)])) (_aCustomMacro:)
will cause an error, because _name isn't accessible inside the _aCustomMacro macro. They do, however, have access to global variables (which begin with $
Much like with typed variables given to (set:) or (put:), each temp variable associated with a parameter is restricted to the given data type. So,
(macro:num-type _a,[(set:_a to 'text')(output-data:_a)]
will cause an error when run.
All custom macros must return some value. If no (output:) or (output-data:) macros were run inside the code hook, an error will result.
If you find yourself writing custom macros that do nothing except call another macro, such as (macro: num-type _a, [(out-data:(range:0,_a))])
then you may prefer to use the (partial:) macro instead of (macro:).
See also:
(output:), (output-data:), (partial:)
The (output: ) macro
(output: ) → Changer
Also known as: (out:)
Use this macro inside a (macro:)'s CodeHook to output a command that, when run, renders the attached hook.
Example usage:
(set: $describePotion to (macro: dm-type _potion, [
##(print:_potion's name)
''Hue'': (print:_potion's hue)
''Smell'': (print:_potion's smell)
''Flask'': (print:_potion's flask)
''Effect'': (print: _potion's effect)
//(print: _potion's desc)//
($describePotion: (dm:
"name", "Vasca's Dreambrew",
"hue", "Puce",
"smell", "Strong acidic honey",
"flask", "Conical, green glass, corked",
"effect", "The drinker will, upon sleeping, revisit the last dream they had, exactly as it was.",
"desc", "Though Vasca was famed in life for her more practical potions, this brew is still sought after"
+ " by soothsayers and dream-scryers alike.",
For more information on custom macros, consult the (macro:) macro's article. All custom macros have inputs and output. This macro lets you output an entire hook, displaying it in a single call of the macro. Attach this to a hook at the end of your custom macro's code hook, and the custom macro will produce a command that displays the hook, similar to how (print:) or (link-goto:) work.
If you want your custom macro to return single values of data, like numbers or arrays, rather than hooks, please use the (output-data:) macro instead.
As soon as a hook with (output:) attached is encountered, all further macros and code in the CodeHook will be ignored, just as how (go-to:) and (redirect:) behave. This behaviour is unique among changers.
You can combine (output:) with other changers, like (text-style:) or (link:). The hook that is displayed by the command will have those other changers applied to it.
As you might have noticed, (output:) accepts no values itself - simply attach it to a hook.
Attempting to use (output:) outside of a custom macro's CodeHook will cause an error.
As of 3.3.0, custom commands created by (output:) that are stored in story-wide variables can be saved using (save-game:), just like any other value. Be warned, however, that these commands take up space in browser storage proprotional to the number and size of temp variables used inside the custom macro, and the size of the attached hook. If you're concerned about browser storage space, consider limiting the complexity of custom commands you store in story variables.
See also:
The (output-data: ) macro
(output-data: Any) → Instant
Also known as: (out-data:)
Use this macro inside a (macro:)'s CodeHook to output the value that the macro produces.
Example usage:
(set: $randomCaps to (macro: str-type _str, [
(folded: _char making _out via _out + (either:(lowercase:_char),(uppercase:_char)),
($randomCaps:"I think my voice module is a little bit very broken.")
For more information on custom macros, consult the (macro:) macro's article. All custom macros have inputs and output. This macro specifies the data value to output - provide it at the end of your macro's CodeHook, and give it the value you want the macro call to evaluate to.
This is best suited for macros which primarily compute single data values, like strings, arrays and datamaps. If you wish to output a long span of code, please consider using the (output:) changer instead.
As soon as an (output-data:) macro is run, all further macros and code in the CodeHook will be ignored, much like how the (go-to:) and (undo:) macros behave.
Attempting to call (output-data:) outside of a custom macro's CodeHook will cause an error.
See also:
The (error: ) macro
(error: String) → Instant
Designed for use in custom macros, this causes the custom macro to immediately produce an error, with the given message string, and ceases running any further code in the CodeHook.
Example usage:
(set: $altCaps to (macro: str-type _input, [
(if: _input is "")[(error: "I can't alt-caps an empty string.")]
(folded: _char making _result via _result +
(cond: pos % 2 is 0, (lowercase:_char), (uppercase:_char)),
Allowing your custom macros to produce insightful error messages is essential to making them user-friendly, especially
if you intend other authors to use them. In the example above, for instance, an empty string inputted to the $altCaps
macro would causes (folded:) to produce an error, as ..._input
would spread zero characters. However, the earlier
custom error provides a better message, explaining exactly what the problem is.
As with (output-data:), as soon as this is encountered, all further macros and code in the CodeHook will be ignored.
Note that this occurs even if the macro is given as input to another macro - (cond: false, (error:"There's a problem"), "")
will always produce the error, regardless of (cond:)'s behaviour.
If an empty string is given to this macro, an error (different from the intended error) will be produced. Also, attempting to call (error:) outside of a custom macro's CodeHook will cause another (also different from intended) error.
See also:
(output:), (output-data:), (assert:)
The (datatype: ) macro
(datatype: Any) → Datatype
This macro takes any storeable value, and produces a datatype that matches it.
Example usage:
(if: _theirName is a (datatype:_myName))
checks whether or not $theirName is the same type as $myName.(altered: (datatype:_input)-type _n via _n + _input, ..._values)
creates a lambda that only accepts data with the same type as that of the _input variable, and runs (altered:) with it.
This isn't a macro you're likely to commonly use, because most of the time, you have exact knowledge of the
types of data you use throughout your story. But, this can be helpful in custom macros created with (macro:), if they
have any any-type
parameters. Being able to identify the exact type that such a value is allows you to give types to other
data based on that type.
The only types that this will return are "general" types, like string
, number
, boolean
and such. More specific types
like even
, or descriptive types like empty
, will not be returned, even if it's given a value that matches those types. Nor will
spread datatypes be returned - even if a given string consists only of, say, digits, then ...digits
won't be returned instead of str
if there isn't a known datatype value for the given data (for instance, if you give it a HookName) then an error will be produced.
See also:
The (datapattern: ) macro
(datapattern: Any) → Any
This takes any storeable value, and produces a datatype that matches it, in a manner similar to (datatype:). However, when given an array or datamap,
it creates an array or datamap with its values replaced with their datatypes, which can be used as a more accurate pattern with matches
or (set:) elsewhere.
Example usage:
(datapattern: (a:15,45))
.(datapattern: (passage: ))
(as long as the passage has no metadata macros in it).$coordinate matches (datapattern: (a:15,45))
checks if $coordinate is an array of exactly two numbers.(datapattern: $value) matches $value2
checks if $value2 exactly matches the structure of $value.
The (datatype:) macro is useful for examining and comparing the datatypes of values, but when dealing with arrays and datamaps, each of which can have radically
different purposes and meanings throughout your story, that macro only produces array
or dm
when given them, which isn't too helpful when checking
if one array is similar to another. This macro produces a more precise result - an array or datamap with datatypes replacing its values - which is compatible with
the matches
operator, the (set:) macro, parameters of the (macro:) macro, and other places where datatypes are useful.
This won't return structures containing spread datatypes, even if those could plausibly describe the passed-in data structure - an array with 26 numbers in it will,
when given to this macro, produce an array containing num
26 times, no more or less.
Note that this does not produce any string patterns, like those produced by (p:) - any string given to this will still result in str
being returned.
See also:
The (partial: ) macro
(partial: String or CustomMacro, [...Any]) → CustomMacro
When given either the string name of a built-in macro, or a custom macro, followed by various values, this creates a custom macro that serves as a shorthand for calling the given macro with those values, plus any additional values.
Example usage:
(set: $zeroTo to (partial:"range", 0))
sets $zeroTo to a custom macro which is a shortcut for calling (range:) with 0 as the first value.($zeroTo: 10)
is the same as(range:0,10)
.($zeroTo: 5)
is the same as(range:0,5)
.(set: $askDLG to (partial:"dialog", bind _result))
sets $askDLG to a custom macro that calls (dialog:) bound to the _result temp variable. This can be used repeatedly to show dialogs that ask input from the player, without having to include the bound variable each time.(set: $next to (partial:"link-goto", "==>"))
creates a custom macro that produces passage links, where the link text is always "==>". Calling($next2: "Continue")
would thus be equivalent to(link-goto: "==>", "Continue")
.(set: $next2 to (partial: $next, "Continue"))
takes the previous example's custom macro, stored in $next, and makes a version where the passage name is always "Continue".(set: $envNoise to (partial:'either',"","",""))
creates a custom macro that randomly chooses between three empty strings and any other values you might give. This could be used for random flavour text in environments:($envNoise:"You hear a jingling windchime")
would only display the text "You hear a jingling windchime" 25% of the time the macro is run.
This is designed as a shorthand for writing certain common macro calls with the same first values over and over. Think of (partial:) as creating a partial macro call - one that isn't finished, but which can be used to make finished calls to that macro, by providing the remaining values.
You may notice that a number of macros in Harlowe have a "configuration-first" ordering of their values - (rotated:) takes the number of rotations first, (sorted:) takes the optional sorting lambda first, (cycling-link:) takes the optional bound variable first, and so forth. This ordering works well with (partial:).
Don't fall into the trap of thinking the values given to (partial:) will be re-evaluated on each call of the custom macro! For instance,
(partial: "count", (history: ))
will not produce a custom macro that is always equivalent to (count:(history: ), ..._someOtherNumbers)
Remember that (history:) produces an array of passage names each time it's called. It is that array that is given to (partial:), so every
call to the produced custom macro will use that array, and not whatever the current (history:) array would be.
Unlike macros created with (macro:), the "params" data name of macros created with (partial:) is always an empty array.
As of 3.3.0, this can not be used with metadata macros such as (metadata:) or (storylet:). Giving "metadata", "storylet" or other such macros' names will produce an error.
See also:
The (a: ) macro
(a: [...Any]) → Array
Also known as: (array:)
Creates an array, which is an ordered collection of values.
Example usage:
creates an empty array, which could be filled with other values later.
(a: "gold", "frankincense", "myrrh")
creates an array with three strings.
This is also a valid array, but with its elements spaced in a way that makes them more readable.
"You didn't sleep in the tiniest bed",
"You never ate the just-right porridge",
"You never sat in the smallest chair",
For an explanation of what arrays are, see the Array article. This macro is the primary means of creating arrays - simply supply the values to it, in order.
Note that due to the way the spread ...
operator works, spreading an array into
the (a:) macro will re-create the original array unchanged: (a: ...$array)
is the same as just $array
See also:
The (dm: ) macro
(dm: [...Any]) → Datamap
Also known as: (datamap:)
Creates a datamap, which is a data structure that pairs string names with data values. You should provide a string name, followed by the value paired with it, and then another string name, another value, and so on, for as many as you'd like.
Example usage:
creates an empty datamap.
(dm: "Cute", 4, "Wit", 7)
creates a datamap with two names and values.
The following code also creates a datamap, with the names and values laid out in a readable fashion.
"Susan", "A petite human in a yellow dress",
"Tina", "A ten-foot lizardoid in a three-piece suit",
"Gertie", "A griffin draped in a flowing cape",
For an explanation of what datamaps are, see the Datamap article. This macro is the primary means of creating datamaps - simply supply a name, followed by a value, and so on.
In addition to creating datamaps for long-term use, this is also used to create "momentary" datamaps which are used only in some operation. For instance, to add several values to a datamap at once, you can do something like this:
(set: $map to (dm:))
(set: $map to it + (dm: "Name 1", "Value 1", "Name 2", "Value 2"))
You can also use (dm:) as a kind of "multiple choice" structure, if you combine it with
the 's
or of
syntax. For instance...
(set: $monsterName to "Slime")
(set: $element to $monsterName of (dm:
"Chilltoad", "Ice",
"Rimeswan", "Ice",
"Brisketoid", "Fire",
"Slime", "Water"
...will set $element to one of those elements if $monsterName matches the correct name. But, be warned: if none of those names matches $monsterName, an error will result.
See also:
The (ds: ) macro
(ds: [...Any]) → Dataset
Also known as: (dataset:)
Creates a dataset, which is an unordered collection of unique values.
Example usage:
creates an empty dataset, which could be filled with other values later.
(ds: "gold", "frankincense", "myrrh")
creates a dataset with three strings.
For an explanation of what datasets are, see the Dataset article. This macro is the primary means of creating datasets - simply supply the values to it, in any order you like.
You can also use this macro to remove duplicate values from an array (though also eliminating the array's
order) by using the spread ...
operator like so: (a: ...(ds: ...$array))
See also:
The (all-pass: ) macro
(all-pass: Lambda, [...Any]) → Boolean
Also known as: (pass:)
This takes a "where" lambda and a series of values, and evaluates to true if the lambda, when run using each value, never evaluated to false.
Example usage:
(all-pass: _num where _num > 1 and < 14, 6, 8, 12, 10, 9)
is the same asall of (a:6, 8, 12, 10, 9) > 1 and < 14
.(all-pass: _room where "Egg" is not in _room's objs, ...$rooms)
is true if each datamap in $rooms doesn't have the string"Egg"
in its "objs".
The contains
and is in
operators can be used to quickly check if a sequence of values contains an exact value or values, and, combined with the
and some
data names, can check that the values in a sequence merely resemble a kind of value - for instance, that they're positive
numbers, or strings beginning with "E". But, they are times when you're writing the same check over and over, like is an empty or is a whitespace
or something more complicated, and would like the ability to store the check in a lambda and reuse it.
The (all-pass:) macro lets you perform these checks easily using a lambda, identical to that used with (find:) - simply write a "temp variable
a condition" expression, and every value will be put into the temp variable one by one, and the condition checked for each.
Additionally, you can use (all-pass:) just to run a single "where" lambda against a single value - for instance, as a variation of (if:). This is permitted, too - simply write the lambda and the single value. For those cases, you may wish to write it as (pass:), a shorthand form that visually indicates that you're only checking one value rather than "all".
Of course, if any condition should cause an error, such as checking if a number contains a number, then the error will appear.
If zero values are given to (all-pass:), then it will return true by default.
The temp variable (if you choose to name it instead of using it
) is controlled entirely by the lambda - it doesn't exist
outside of it, it won't alter identically-named temp variables outside, and you can't manually (set:)
it within the lambda.
You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the where
condition. For instance, you can
write (set: _name to "Eva")(all-pass: _item where _item is _name, "Evan", "Eve", "Eva")
. However, for obvious reasons,
if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variable, it can't be referred to in the condition.
See also:
(sorted:), (count:), (find:), (some-pass:), (none-pass:)
The (altered: ) macro
(altered: Lambda, [...Any]) → Array
This takes a "via" lambda and a sequence of values, and creates a new array with the same values in the same order, but altered via the operation in the lambda's "via" clause. An optional "where" clause can also be provided, which, if its condition is false, causes that particular value to be unchanged.
Example usage:
(altered: _monster via "Dark " + _monster, "Wolf", "Ape", "Triffid")
produces(a: "Dark Wolf", "Dark Ape", "Dark Triffid")
(altered: _player via _player + (dm: "HP", _player's HP - 1), ...$players)
produces an array of $players datamaps whose "HP" datavalue is decreased by 1.(altered: via it * -1 where it is an odd, 1,2,3,4,5,6)
. Because2 is an odd
, the 2 is unaltered, and so forth.
Transforming entire arrays or datasets, performing an operation on every item at once, allows arrays to be modified with the same ease that single values can - just as you can add some extra text to a string with a single +, so too can you add extra text to an entire array of strings using a single call to (altered:).
This macro uses a lambda (which is just the "temp variable via
an expression" expression) to take each item in the sequence and produce a new
value to populate the resulting array. For (altered: _a via _a + 1, 10,20,30)
it will produce 10 + 1, 20 + 1 and 30 + 1, and put those
into a new array.
Of course, if any operation applied to any of the values should cause an error, such as trying to add a string to a number, an error will result.
An error will NOT appear if you provide no values after the lambda - an empty array will be returned instead.
This allows you to write (altered: $lambda, ...$array)
without checking whether $array contains any values (which
you may not be certain of, if it contains the result of a previous (find:)).
The temp variable (if you choose to name it instead of using it
) is controlled entirely by the lambda - it doesn't exist
outside of it, it won't alter identically-named temp variables outside, and you can't manually (set:)
it within the lambda.
You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the via
expression. For instance, you can write
(altered: _object via _playerName + "'s " + _object, "Glove", "Hat", "Purse")
. However, for obvious reasons,
if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variable, it can't be referred to in the expression.
If no values are given to (altered:) except for the lambda, an empty array will be produced.
See also:
The (count: ) macro
(count: Array or String, ...Any) → Number
Accepts a string or array, followed by a value, and produces the number of times any of the values are inside the string or array.
Example usage:
(count: (a:1,2,3,2,1), 1, 2)
produces 4.(count: "Though", "ugh","u","h")
produces 4.
This can be thought of as an accompaniment to the contains
operator. Usually, you just want to check if one or more occurrences
of the substring or value are in the given container. To check if an array or string contains any or all of the values,
you can use contains
with the all
or some
data names, like so: $arr contains all of (a:1,2)
and $arr contains some of (a:1,2)
. But, if you need an exact figure for the number of occurrences,
this macro will be of use.
A note about newer macros:
(count:) is a fairly old Harlowe macro. Two other macros, (find:) and (str-find:),
exist for checking values and substrings using more powerful constructs, like string patterns (produced by (p:) and its relatives)
or "where" lanbdas. In many cases, you can replicate the functionality of (count:) by using these macros, and checking the length
of the returned array.
For instance, (count: "Abracadabra", "a","b")
is the same as length of (str-find:(p-either:"a","b"),"Abracadabra")
But, you may notice that the (count:) call is somewhat shorter and more readable. Thus, if you only need
to perform a simple check of substrings or values, (count:) can be preferable to those other macros.
If you use this with a number, boolean, datamap, dataset (which can't have duplicates), or anything else which can't have a value, then an error will result.
If you use this with a string, and the values aren't also strings, then an error will result.
Substrings are counted separately from each other - that is, the string "Though" contains "ugh" once and "h"
once, and (count: "Though","ugh","h")
results in 3. To check for "h" occurrences that are not contained in "ugh",
you can try subtracting two (count:)s - (count: "Though","ugh") - (count: "Though","h")
produces 1.
See also:
(find:), (str-find:), (dm-names:), (dm-values:)
The (dm-altered: ) macro
(dm-altered: Lambda, Datamap) → Datamap
Also known as: (datamap-altered:)
This is a variant of (altered:) which takes a "via" lambda and a single datamap, and creates a new datamap with the same datanames, but with the values changed by the 'via' lambda. The 'via' lambda is given a datamap with 'name' and 'value' datanames (identical to those in the array produced by (data-entries:)), so that the name of each data value can be used in the lambda, but it must produce a single data value. An optional "where" clause can also be provided, which, if its condition is false, causes that particular value to be unchanged.
Example usage:
(dm-altered: via its value + 10 where its name is not 'Pluck', (dm: 'Caution', 2, 'Pluck', 5, 'Suspicion', 1))
produces(dm: 'Caution',12,'Pluck',5,'Suspicion',11)
. Note that theit
value in the lambda is(dm:'name', 'Caution', 'value', 2)
for the first loop,(dm:'name', 'Pluck', 'value', 5)
for the second loop, and(dm:'name', 'Suspicion', 'value', 1)
for the third loop.(dm-altered: _a via 1 where _a's value is a num, $dm)
produces a copy of the datamap in $dm, but with all the number values changed to 1.
Generally, datamaps (unlike arrays) are not designed to have all of their values looped over and altered in one go, as each value is meant to have its own distinct meaning relative to the others. But, there are a few situations where this is desirable, such as altering multiple numbers in a statistics datamap to fit a particular range (such as from 1 to 100). This essentially combines (dm-entries:) with (altered:) (or perhaps (folded:)) by letting you operate on each value while also having access to its name, and automates the process of creating the new datamap from the altered (dm-entries:).
Unlike (altered:), you must supply a datamap as the second value. Additionally, similar to (dm-entries:), only one datamap can be given to this macro. If
you want to alter multiple datamaps with the same lambda, you may want to combine this with (altered:), in a manner
similar to this: (altered: _dm, via (dm-altered: $lambda, _dm), ...$arrayOfDatamaps)
Of course, if any operation should cause an error, such as trying to add a string to a number, an error will result.
The temp variable (if you choose to name it instead of using it
) is controlled entirely by the lambda - it doesn't exist
outside of it, it won't alter identically-named temp variables outside, and you can't manually (set:)
it within the lambda.
You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the via
expression. For instance, you can write
(dm-altered: _accessory via _name + "'s " + _accessory's value, "Glove", "Hat", "Purse")
. However, for obvious reasons,
if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variable, it can't be referred to in the expression.
If the given datamap is empty (has no values) then another empty datamap will be returned.
See also:
The (dm-entries: ) macro
(dm-entries: Datamap) → Array
Also known as: (data-entries:), (datamap-entries:)
This takes a datamap, and returns an array of its name/value pairs. Each pair is a datamap that only has "name" and "value" data. The pairs are ordered by their name.
Example usage:
(dm-entries: (dm:'B',24, 'A',25))
produces the following array:(a: (dm: "name", "A", "value", 25), (dm: "name", "B", "value", 24))
(altered: _entry via _entry's name + ":" + _entry's value, ...(dm-entries: $m))
creates an array of strings from the $m datamap's names and values.
There are occasions where operating on just the names, or the values, of a datamap isn't good enough - you'll want both. Rather than the verbose process of taking the (dm-names:) and (dm-values:) arrays and using them (interlaced:) with each other, you can use this macro instead, which allows the name and value of each entry to be referenced using "name" and "value" properties.
See also:
The (dm-names: ) macro
(dm-names: Datamap) → Array
Also known as: (data-names:), (datamap-names:)
This takes a datamap, and returns a sorted array of its data names, sorted alphabetically.
Example usage:
(dm-names: (dm:'B','Y', 'A','X'))
produces the array (a: 'A','B')
Sometimes, you may wish to obtain some information about a datamap. You may want to list all of its data names, or determine how many entries it has. You can use the (dm-names:) macro to do these things: if you give it a datamap, it produces a sorted array of all of its names. You can then (print:) them, check the length of the array, obtain a subarray, and other things you can do to arrays.
See also:
The (dm-values: ) macro
(dm-values: Datamap) → Array
Also known as: (data-values:), (datamap-values:)
This takes a datamap, and returns an array of its values, sorted alphabetically by their name.
Example usage:
(dm-values: (dm:'B',24, 'A',25))
produces the array (a: 25,24)
Sometimes, you may wish to examine the values stored in a datamap without
referencing every name - for instance, determining if 0 is one of the values.
(This can't be determined using the contains
keyword, because that only checks
the map's data names.) You can extract all of the datamap's values into an array
to compare and analyse them using (dm-values:). The values will be sorted by
their associated names.
See also:
The (find: ) macro
(find: Lambda, [...Any]) → Array
This searches through the given values, and produces an array of those which match the given search
test (which is expressed using a temp variable, the where
keyword, and a boolean condition).
If none match, an empty array is produced.
Example usage:
(find: _person where _person is not "Alice", ...$people)
produces a subset of $people not containing the string"Alice"
.(find: _item where _item's 1st is "A", "Thorn", "Apple", "Cryptid", "Anchor")
produces(a: "Apple", "Anchor")
.(find: _num where (_num >= 12) and (it % 2 is 0), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
produces(a: 12, 14, 16)
.(find: _val where _val + 2, 9, 10, 11)
produces an error, because_val + 2
isn't a boolean.1st of (find: _room where _room's objs contains "Egg", ...$rooms)
finds the first datamap in $rooms whose "objs" contains the string"Egg"
Selecting specific data from arrays or sequences based on a user-provided boolean condition is one of the more common and powerful operations in programming. This macro allows you to immediately work with a subset of the array's data, without caring what kind of subset it is. The subset can be based on each string's characters, each datamap's values, each number's evenness or oddness, whether a variable matches it... anything you can write.
This macro uses a lambda (which is just the "temp variable where
a condition" expression) to check every one of
the values given after it. For (find: _item where _item > 40, 30, 60, 90)
, it will first check if 30 > 40
is false
), if 60 > 40
(which is true
), and if 90 > 40
(which is true
), and include in the returned array
those values which resulted in true
Of course, if any condition should cause an error, such as checking if a number contains a number, then the error will appear.
However, an error will NOT appear if you provide no values after the lambda - searching an empty sequence will simply
result in an empty array being returned. This allows you to write (find: $lambda, ...$array)
without checking whether $array contains
any values (which you may not be certain of, if it contains the result of a previous (find:)).
The temp variable (if you choose to name it instead of using it
) is controlled entirely by the lambda - it doesn't exist
outside of it, it won't alter identically-named temp variables outside, and you can't manually (set:)
it within the lambda.
You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the where
condition. For instance, you can
write (set: _name to "Eva")(find: _item where _item is _name, "Evan", "Eve", "Eva")
. However, for obvious reasons,
if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variable, it can't be referred to in the condition.
There isn't a way to examine the position of a value in the condition - you can't write, say, (find: _item where _pos % 2 is 0, "A", "B", "C", "D")
to select just "B" and "D".
You shouldn't use this macro to try and alter the given values! Consider the (altered:) or (folded:) macro instead.
See also:
(sorted:), (all-pass:), (some-pass:), (none-pass:)
The (folded: ) macro
(folded: Lambda, ...Any) → Any
This takes a "making" lambda and a sequence of values, and creates a new value (the "total") by feeding every value in the sequence to the lambda, akin to folding a long strip of paper into a single square. The first value after the lambda is put into the total (which is the variable inside the lambda's "making" clause) before running the lambda on the remaining values.
Example usage:
(folded: _enemy making _allHP via _allHP + _enemy's HP, 0, ...$enemies)
will first set _allHP to 0, then add $enemies's 1st's HP to it, then add the remaining HP values to it. Then it will return the number in _allHP.(folded: _name making _allNames via _allNames + "/" + _name, ...(history: ))
is the same as(joined: "/", ...(history: ))
The (for:) macro, while intended to display multiple copies of a hook, can also be used to run a single macro call multiple times. You may wish to use this to repeatedly (set:) a variable to itself plus one of the looped values (or some other operation). (folded:) is meant to let you perform this in a shorter, more fluid fashion.
Consider, first of all, a typical (for:) and (set:) loop such as the following:
(set:$enemies to (a:(dm:"Name","Mossling", "HP",7), (dm:"Name","Moldling","HP",2)))
{(set:_allHP to 0)
(for: each _enemy, ...$enemies)[
(set:_allHP to it + _enemy's HP)
This can be rewritten using (folded:) as follows. While this version may seem a little harder to read if you're not used to it, it allows you to accomplish the same thing in a single line, by immediately using the macro's provided value without a variable:
(set:$enemies to (a:(dm:"Name","Mossling", "HP",7), (dm:"Name","Moldling","HP",2)))
TOTAL HEART POINTS: (folded: _enemy making _allHP via _allHP + _enemy's HP, 0, ...$enemies)
If you need to perform this operation at various different times in your story, you may wish to (set:) the lambda into a variable, so that you, for instance, might need only write:
(set:$enemies to (a:(dm:"Name","Mossling", "HP",7), (dm:"Name","Moldling","HP",2)))
(set: $totalEnemyHP to (_enemy making _allHP via _allHP + _enemy's HP))
TOTAL HEART POINTS: (folded: $totalEnemyHP, 0, ...$enemies)
Let's look at this example usage again.
(set:$enemies to (a:(dm:"Name","Mossling", "HP",7), (dm:"Name","Moldling","HP",2)))
(folded: _enemy making _allHP via _allHP + _enemy's HP, 0, ...$enemies)
This macro call uses a "making" lambda (which is the "temp variable making
another temp variable via
expression" expression) to run the
expression using every provided value, much like those repeated (set:) calls. The temp variable in the "making" clause, _allHP
, is the total,
and at the start, it is set to the first provided value (in this case, 0). The temp variable at the start, _enemy
, is then set to the next value
after that (which in this case would be the "Mossling" datamap), and the "via" clause is used to set _allHP
to a new value.
This repeats until all of the values have been handled. Then, the final result of _allHP
is returned.
Of course, if at any time the expression should cause an error, such as adding a number to a string, then an error will result.
Both of the temp variables can be named anything you want. As with other lambda macros, they don't exist outside of it, won't alter identically-named temp variables outside of it, and can't be manually (set:) within the lambda.
You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the via
expression. For instance, you can write
(folded: _score making _totalScore via _totalScore + _score * _bonusMultiplier)
. However, for obvious reasons,
if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variables, it can't be referred to in the expression.
You can also use a "where" clause inside the "making" lambda to prevent an operation from occurring if a value isn't suitable -
(folded: _item making _total via _total + _item where _item > 0, 0, ...$arr)
will only sum up the values in $arr which are greater than 0.
Note that (as of 3.3.6), the "where" clause does not apply to the first value (as that is put into _total
from the outset, and never becomes an _item
value). As such,
an explicit 0 is given before ...$arr
, so that ...$arr
's first value is still subject to the "where" clause.
See also:
The (interlaced: ) macro
(interlaced: Array, ...Array) → Array
Takes multiple arrays, and pairs up each value in those arrays: it creates an array containing each array's first value followed by each array's second value, and so forth. If some values have no matching pair (i.e. one array is longer than the other) then those values are ignored.
Example usage:
(interlaced: (a: 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), (a: 1, 2, 3))
is the same as (a: 'A',1,'B',2,'C',3)
There are a couple of other macros which accept data in pairs - the most notable being (dm:), which takes data names and data values paired. This macro can help with using such macros. For instance, you can supply an array of (dm-names:) and (dm-values:) to (interlaced:), and supply that to (dm:), to produce the original datamap again. Or, you can supply just the names, and use a macro like (repeated:) to fill the other values.
However, (interlaced:) can also be of use alongside macros which accept a sequence: you
can use it to cleanly insert values between each item. For instance, one can pair
an array with another array of spaces, and then convert them to a string with (str:).
(str: ...(interlaced: $arr, (repeated: $arr's length, ' ')))
will create a string containing
each element of $arr, followed by a space.
If one of the arrays provided is empty, the resulting array will be empty, as well.
See also:
The (none-pass: ) macro
(none-pass: Lambda, ...Any) → Boolean
This can be thought of as the opposite of (all-pass:): it produces true if every value, when given to the lambda, never evaluated to true. If zero values are given to (none-pass:), then it will return true by default, just like (all-pass:). For more information, consult the description of (all-pass:).
Example usage:
(set: $partyMembers to (a: (dm: "name", "Alan", "curseLevel", 0), (dm: "name", "Jess", "curseLevel", 0)))
(set: $noMelvins to (none-pass: where its name is "Melvin", ...$partyMembers))
The (permutations: ) macro
(permutations: ...Any) → Array
When given a sequence of values, this produces an array containing each permutation of the order of those values, as arrays.
Example usage:
(permutations: "☆", "♡", "∪")
If you're writing an algorithm that cares about combinations of data, such as a procedurally generated puzzle or password, you may find that this macro has
a number of subtle uses. This macro by itself provides an easy way to check if a sequence of values contains exactly the same values as
another sequence, regardless of order. For instance, you can check if another array stored in $array
contains exactly two 3s, two 2s and one 1 by
writing (permutations:3,1,3,2,2) contains $array
, because if it was so, the array would be included among those permutations. You can't perform
this check by writing (dataset:3,1,3,2,2) is (dataset:...$array)
because datasets, by design, don't hold multiples of a single value (such as 3).
Additionally, this macro can be combined with (find:) and (shuffled:) to help you find a permutation that matches certain criteria. For instance,
to find a random permutation of the numbers 0 to 5 that doesn't begin with 0, you can write
1st of (shuffled: ...(find: where its 1st is not 0, ...(permutations:0,1,2,3,4)))
. While this could be performed by simply re-running
until it produced an array that didn't begin with 0, the code to check and re-run this would be much more complicated.
When given no values, this simply returns the empty array (a:)
See also:
The (range: ) macro
(range: Number, Number) → Array
Produces an array containing an inclusive range of whole numbers from a to b, in ascending order.
Example usage:
is equivalent to(a:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
is equivalent to(a:-2,-1,0,1,2)
This macro is a shorthand for defining an array that contains a sequence of integer values. Rather than writing out all of the numbers, you can simply provide the first and last numbers.
If the second number given is smaller than the first number, then (range:) will act as if their positions
were reversed - that is, (range:50,0)
is the same as (range:0,50)
Certain kinds of macros, like (either:) or (dataset:), accept sequences of values. You can
use (range:) with these in conjunction with the ...
spreading operator:
(dataset: ...(range:2,6))
is equivalent to (dataset: 2,3,4,5,6,7)
, and
(either: ...(range:1,5))
is equivalent to (random: 1,5)
See also:
The (repeated: ) macro
(repeated: Number, ...Any) → Array
When given a number and a sequence of values, this macro produces an array containing those values repeated, in order, by the given number of times.
Example usage:
(repeated: 5, false)
produces(a: false, false, false, false, false)
(repeated: 3, 1,2,3)
produces(a: 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)
This macro, as well as (range:), are the means by which you can create a large array of
similar or regular data, quickly. Just as an example: you want, say, an array of several
identical, complex datamaps, each of which are likely to be modified in the game,
you can use (repeated:) to make those copies easily. Or, if you want, for instance, a
lot of identical strings accompanied by a lone different string, you can use (repeated:)
and add a (a: "string")
to the end.
When you already have an array variable, this is similar to simply adding that variable to itself several times. However, if the number of times is over 5, this can be much simpler to write.
An error will, of course, be produced if the number given is negative, or contains a fraction. As of 3.2.0, however, it will no longer error if the number is 0.
If you wish to repeat a string multiple times, please use (str-repeated:).
See also:
(a:), (range:), (str-repeated:)
The (reversed: ) macro
(reversed: [...Any]) → Array
Similar to (a:), except that it creates an array containing the elements in reverse order.
Example usage:
(set: $a to (reversed: ...$a, 2))
sets $a to its reverse, with 2
at the start.
Having stored items in an array, or obtained a built-in array like (history:), you may want to perform some action using it - maybe assemble them into a single string using (folded:) - in the opposite order to which they are stored. (reversed:) allows this reversal to be easily created.
Unlike (shuffled:), which produces an error if one or no elements are given, this does not error if a non-reversible sequence of one or zero is given. This is meant to permit its wider use with data whose length you may not always have control over, such as the (history:) array.
If you wish to specifically reverse the characters in a string, please use (str-reversed:).
See also:
(a:), (shuffled:), (rotated:), (str-reversed:)
The (rotated-to: ) macro
(rotated-to: Lambda, [...Any]) → Array
Similar to the (a:) macro, but it also takes a "where" lambda at the start, and cycles the order of the subsequent values so that the first value to match the lambda is placed at the start.
Example usage:
(rotated-to: where it is 'D', 'A','B','C','D')
is equal to(a: 'D','A','B','C')
.(rotated-to: where it > 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
is equal to(a: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3)
This is a variation of the (rotated:) macro. Both of these macros allow you to cycle through a sequence of values, wrapping back to the start, until a certain value is at the front, then provide an array of the values in that order. The former macro lets you specify an exact number of rotations to do; this one lets you specify what kind of value should be at the front, if you don't know the exact order of the passed-in strings (which may be the case if they come from an array).
Note that while the lambda argument provides a lot of flexibility, if you simply want to compare each value to a known
value, where it is
(such as in an example above) is a simple enough lambda formulation to do so.
If the lambda doesn't match any of the values (that is, there's no value to rotate to) then an error will result.
As of 3.3.0, you may give only one item after the lambda without causing an error (although an error will still occur if the given lambda doesn't match it).
See also:
(sorted:), (rotated:), (find:)
The (rotated: ) macro
(rotated: Number, ...Any) → Array
Similar to the (a:) macro, but it also takes a number at the start, and moves each item forward by that number, wrapping back to the start if they pass the end of the array.
Example usage:
(rotated: 1, 'A','B','C','D')
is equal to(a: 'D','A','B','C')
.(rotated: -2, 'A','B','C','D')
is equal to(a: 'C','D','A','B')
Sometimes, you may want to cycle through a sequence of values, without repeating any until you reach the end. For instance, you may have a rotating set of flavour-text descriptions for a thing in your story, which you'd like displayed in their entirety without the whim of a random picker. The (rotated:) macro allows you to apply this "rotation" to a sequence of data, changing their positions by a certain number without discarding any values.
Remember that, as with all macros, you can insert all the values in an existing
array using the ...
syntax: (set: $a to (rotated: 1, ...$a))
is a common means of
replacing an array with a rotation of itself.
Think of the number as being an addition to each position in the original sequence - if it's 1, then the value in position 1 moves to 2, the value in position 2 moves to 3, and so forth.
Incidentally... you can also use this macro to rotate a string's characters, by doing
something like this: (str: ...(rotated: 1, ...$str))
As of 3.3.0, providing fewer than two items to this macro will not result in an error (even though that isn't enough values to meaningfully rotate).
As of 3.3.0, rotating by a number of positions greater (or, if negative, less) than the number of values will still result in that many rotations occurring, without an error being produced.
If you can't reliably know how many positions you wish to rotate, but know that you need a certain value to be at the front, simply use the (rotated-to:) variant of this macro instead.
See also:
The (shuffled: ) macro
(shuffled: ...Any) → Array
Similar to (a:), this produces an array of the given values, except that it randomly rearranges the elements instead of placing them in the given order.
Example usage:
(if: $condiments is not an array)[(set: $condiments to (shuffled: "mustard", "mayo", "chili sauce", "salsa"))]
You reach into the fridge and grab... (nth: visits, ...$condiments)? OK.
If you're making a particularly random story, you'll often want to create a 'deck' of random descriptions, elements, etc. that you can use repeatedly. That is to say, you'll want to put them in a random order in an array, preserving that random order for the duration of a game.
The (either:) macro is useful for selecting an element from an array randomly
(if you use the spread ...
syntax), but isn't very helpful for this particular problem. Additionally,
the random
data name of arrays can be used to retrieve a random value, and can remove that value using
(move:), but it isn't as effective if you want that value to remain in the deck after being used.
The (shuffled:) macro is another solution: it takes elements and returns a randomly-ordered array that can be used as you please.
This is one of the features that uses Harlowe's pseudo-random number generator. If you use (seed:) at the start of the story, the order will be predetermined based on the seed string, and how many other random macros and features have been used before it.
As of 3.3.0, giving zero or more values to (shuffled:) will cause an empty array (such as by (a:)
) to be returned,
rather than causing an error to occur.
See also:
The (some-pass: ) macro
(some-pass: Lambda, ...Any) → Boolean
This is similar to (all-pass:), but produces true if one or more value, when given to the lambda, evaluated to true.
It can be thought of as shorthand for putting not
in front of (none-pass:).
If zero values are given to (all-pass:), then it will return false by default.
For more information, consult the description of (all-pass:).
Example usage:
(set: $partyMembers to (a: (dm: "name", "Alan", "curseLevel", 0), (dm: "name", "Jess", "curseLevel", 0)))
(set: $taintedParty to (some-pass: where its curseLevel > 0, ...$partyMembers))
The (sorted: ) macro
(sorted: [Lambda], ...Any) → Array
This macro produces an array in which the values are sorted in English alphanumeric sort order. If any of the values are not numbers or strings, a "via" lambda must be given first, which is used to translate the value into a number or string that it should be sorted by.
Example usage:
(set: $a to (a: 'A','C','E','G', 2, 1))(sorted: ...$a)
.(sorted: via its name, ...$creatures)
sorts the datamaps in the array stored in $creatures by their "name" values. Datamaps with an alphanumerically earlier "name" appear first.(sorted: via its length * -1, "Gus", "Arthur", "William")
produces(a: "William", "Arthur", "Gus"))
. This lambda produces negative numbers for each string.(sorted: via its tags's length, ...(passages: ))
produces a version of the (passages:) array, sorted by ascending number of tags each passage datamap has.(sorted: via (passage:it)'s exclusivity, ...(history: ))
produces a version of the (history:) array (which is an array of passage name strings), sorted by the (exclusivity:) metadata the passage with that name has.(sorted: via its h, orange, red, blue, yellow)
produces(a: red, orange, yellow, blue)
.(sorted: via (random:1,100), ...$arr)
is mostly the same as(shuffled:...$arr)
.(sorted: via its urgency, ...(sorted: via its exclusivity, ...(passages: )))
sorts the (passages:) array by urgency, and sorts ties by exclusivity.
The main purpose of arrays is to store data values in a specific order - feats the player has performed,
names of open storylets from (open-storylets:), visited passage names from (history:), names of file slots as produced
by (dm-entries:(saved-games: ))
, to name just a few examples. However, there are times when you want to work with
the same array in a different order, either because the default ordering isn't to your needs - for instance, you wish to list open
storylets by one of their metadata values - or you need to include special exceptions to the normal ordering - for instance, you want to sort
(history:) passages with a certain tag higher than others. This macro can be used to create a sorted array,
organising the given values in either alphanumeric order, or by a particular alphanumeric key.
The optional "via" lambda must translate each value into either a number or string - otherwise, it will produce an error. It can be provided even if any of the values are already numbers or strings.
The values are sorted as if they were the value that the "via" lambda produced. In the example of (sorted: via its length * -1, "Gus", "Arthur", "William")
. the string
"Gus" is sorted as if it was "Gus"'s length * -1
(which is -3), "Arthur" is sorted as if it was "Arthur"'s length * -1
(which is -6),
and "William" is sorted as if it was "William"'s length * -1
(which is -7). This allows a variety of sorting options.
Datamaps may be sorted by any one of their string or number values, and strings may be sorted in different ways than just their alphanumeric order.
Values sorted by a "via" lambda, but which have the same value to that lambda, are kept in the same order. This is known as a "stable" sort.
(sorted:via its 1st, 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Blake', 'Bella', 'Bertrude')
, which only sorts the strings by their first letter,
will always produce (a:"Alice","Bob","Blake","Bella","Bertrude")
, even though "Blake" is alphabetically sooner than "Bob". This means that, if one needs
to sort an array of datamaps by multiple values (such as sorting a set of characters by name, then by age),
Unlike other programming languages, strings (either produced by the "via" lambda, or sorted by themselves when no lambda was given) aren't sorted using ASCII sort order, but alphanumeric sorting: the string "A2" will be sorted after "A1" and before "A11". Moreover, if the player's web browser supports internationalisation (that is, every current browser except IE 10), then the strings will be sorted using English language rules (for instance, "é" comes after "e" and before "f", and regardless of the player's computer's language settings. Otherwise, it will sort using ASCII comparison (whereby "é" comes after "z").
If there is no "via" lambda, and a non-string, non-number is given to this macro, an error will be produced.
Currently there is no way to specify an alternative language locale to sort by, but this is likely to be made available in a future version of Harlowe.
As of 3.3.0, giving zero or more values (after the optional lambda) to (sorted:) will cause an empty array (such as by (a:)
) to be returned,
rather than causing an error to occur.
See also:
The (subarray: ) macro
(subarray: Array, Number, Number) → Array
When given an array, this returns a new array containing only the elements whose positions are between the two numbers, inclusively.
Example usage:
(subarray: $a, 3, 7)
is the same as$a's (a:3,4,5,6,7)
or$a's 3rdto7th
(subarray: $a, 3, $b)
is the same as$a's (range: 3, $b)
if $b is positive.
This macro may seem redundant, as you can obtain subarrays of arrays without this macro, by using the
or of
syntax along with either a specified range of consecutive positions, or an array of
arbitrary position numbers. For instance, $a's 4thto12th
obtains a subarray of $a containing
its 4th through 12th values, $a's (a:1,3,5)
obtains a subarray of $a
containing just its 1st, 3rd and 5th positions, and $a's (range:1, $b)
obtains a subarray of each
position up to $b.
However, in the specific situation where you want to use a variable negative position, counting from the end of the array,
there isn't a succinct option using that syntax. When gathering each value in array $a
between position 1 and $b, where $b is a negative position counting from the end, (range:1, $b)
doesn't work, and
the best you can do without this macro is something like $a's (range: 1, $b + $a's length)
. So, this
macro can be used as a slightly shorter alternative, by writing (subarray: $a, 1, -$b)
As mentioned above, if you provide negative numbers, they will be treated as being offset from the end
of the array - -2
will specify the 2ndlast
item, just as 2 will specify the 2nd
If the last number given is larger than the first (for instance, in (subarray: (a:1,2,3,4), 4, 2)
then the macro will still work - in that case returning (a:2,3,4) as if the numbers were in
the correct order.
See also:
The (unique: ) macro
(unique: ...Any) → Array
When given a sequence of values, this produces an array containing each unique value once, in the order that they appeared.
Example usage:
(unique: 1,2,1,2,3,5,5,6,3)
produces(a: 1,2,3,5,6)
(unique: ...(history: ))
produces an array listing the name of every passage currently visited, in the order they were first visited.(reversed: ...(unique: ...(reversed: ...(history: ))))
produces an array listing the name of every passage currently visited, in the order they were last visited. This does so by reversing the array before spreading it into (unique:), then un-reversing it.(unique: ...(altered: via its address, ...$emails))
produces an array of every unique address from among the datamaps in $emails, in the same order.
Arrays are used to hold values whose ordering matters, such as the sequentially visited passages in the array that (history:) produces.
Sometimes, though, you want to eliminate duplicate data from the array in order to use it for some purpose. For instance, you may
want to show a list (using (for:)) of every passage the player has visited, in the order they've visited, but without duplicate entries in the
list. While (dataset:) and the spread ...
syntax can be used to eliminate duplicate entries from an array, such as by (a:...(ds: ...(history: )))
this has a small problem: datasets only hold unordered data, and when the dataset is spread using ...
, the values are sorted instead of
in their original order. (unique:) provides an easier method of removing duplicates from an a sequence of values.
Two values are considered unique if the is
operator, when placed between them, would produce false
. This is the same method of uniqueness
used by datasets.
When given no values, this simply returns the empty array (a:)
. When given values that are all unique, this returns an array of all the
values, with no error occurring.
See also:
The (unpack: ) macro
(unpack: ...VariableToValue) → Instant
A specialised variation of (put:) that lets you extract multiple values from an array, datamap or string, at once, and put them into
multiple variables, by placing a matching data structure on the right of into
containing variables at
the positions of those values. For instance, (unpack: (a: 1, 2, 3) into (a: $x, 2, $y))
sets $x to 1 and $y to 3,
and (unpack: (dm: "B", 3, "A", 1) into (dm: "A", $x, "B", $y))
sets $x to 1 and $y to 3.
Example usage:
(unpack: (a:"north","northeast","south") into (a: _mainPath, _sidePath, _backPath))
sets three temp variables, by overwriting each variable in the array on the right with its matching value in the array on the left.(unpack: $characterStats into (dm: "Maths", _Maths, "Science", _Science))
is the same as(set: _Maths to $characterStats's Maths, _Science to $characterStats's Science)
.(unpack: "The Safecracker" into (p:"The ", str-type _job))
extracts the string "Safecracker" from the value, and puts it in the variable _job.(unpack: (a: "Daria", 25, 14, 25) into (a: str, ...num-type $stats))
extracts the numbers from the left side into a new array stored in $stats.
Extracting values from data structures into variables using just the (set:) and (put:) macros can be rather cumbersome, especially if you need to extract
values from the same array or datamap. The (unpack:) macro provides a means to efficiently access multiple values in such structures, by describing the locations of those values within
the structure - if you want to obtain the first, second, and fourth values in an array and put them into $a, $b and $c, just write (a: $a, $b, any, $c)
, in exactly those positions,
to the right of into
. The visual clarity of this can provide great assistance in understanding and reminding you of what the data structure is, and the relationship of the destination variables to
their source values.
The (unpack:) macro also lets you use string patterns (produced by (p:) and other such macros) to unpack strings into multiple components. To obtain all the digit characters at the
start of a string, and nothing else, and put them into $a, just write (p: ...digit-type $a)
. No long-winded (for:) loops and individual character checks are needed - simply describe the
string using the pattern macros, using typed variables to mark parts to extract, and they can be easily extracted.
Harlowe checks that each value on the right side (henceforth called the "pattern side") has a value that matches it (using the same rules as the matches
on the left side (the "data side"), and overwrites the pattern side with the data side, causing the variables at various positions in the pattern side to be overwritten with values from
the data. (Remember that datamaps' "positions" are determined by their datanames, not their locations in the (dm:) macro that created them, as,
unlike arrays, they are not sequential.)
For extracting substrings from strings, use the (p:) macro and its related macros to construct a string pattern, resembling
array patterns. For instance, (unpack: "Slime Ball" into (p: (p-either: "Silt", "Mud", "Peat", "Slime")-type _element, " ", (p-either: "Ball", "Blast", "Shot", "Beam")-type